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Happy Anniversary to Me/Happy Holidays


Well-Known Member
December 25th, Christmas Day is my Lokan/Minecraft anniversary. Christmas Day is the day my wonderful brother bought me my Minecraft account and brought me into Loka. I knew about Loka before said date through him, technically I was there for the old spawn change event as I watched from his laptop and from our tv as our new computer was hooked up to it, long story... But anyways, it has been a wonderful year on Loka, from a newb to a pro, I feel that my time has not been wasted playing a video game. There were hard times, and good. That's to the d-bag of the server I almost gave up and he almost ruined my Loka, and he ruined cookievlontra's, don't quote me on the spelling.

All I can really say is happy anniversary to me, Happy Holidays and Merry Christmas. And I think you all know what I want for my anniversary/Christmas, wink wink nudge nudge.
Happy anniversary, Laz. And Merry Christmas to all Lokans.
Hey, my one-year is in a little more than three months. :P I didn't know I was that close behind.
Lazuli73 said:
But anyways, it has been a wonderful year on Loka, from a newb to a pro, I feel that my time has not been wasted playing a video game.
I agree. Here, I can be myself and don't have to pretend everything. Honestly, the people of Loka have taught me as much as my teachers have, you all know me better than most of my friends. Thank you all for being awesome.
Lazuli73 said:
Christmas Day is the day my wonderful brother bought me my Minecraft account and brought me into Loka.
Uncle Opyc is nice. :D