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Harassment on the Server


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Today we temp banned 4 players for 5 days each. I just wanted to clear up what happened and nip any rumours in the bud.

Myself and Cryptite were contacted by a player this afternoon about signs containing harassing messages targeted at specific players, including themselves. It contained a to-do list of actions on how to bully/harass specific members of the community. They were very specific and targeted attacks. Some of which included:
  • References to sexual abuse of infants
  • Strong homophobic messages
  • Racism
I do not wish to post the screenshots of the offending messages, because quite frankly some of them are disgusting. It's appalling behaviour that has never and will never be tolerated on Loka. I and Cryptite feel we have been lenient with the punishment considering the content. However, if we see this kind of behaviour continue the punishment will be far more serious.

To be clear we will not be moderating town/alliance/private discords. But as we have always done, if somebody feels they are being harassed or bullied we will look into it, wherever it has happened.
This is a quote from the following post: https://www.lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/harassment-and-racism-is-not-ok.3662/

We have always been very clear on our stance about bullying members of our community, wherever it takes place.


Genuinely i believe this is an unproffesional response to this situation.
What the signs said was wrong yes, but they were not public and even within the town itself
were hidden and not for the world to see. In loka its apparent that town chat and towns are fair game
so to suddenly go back on this rule definitely doesnt seem like the appropriate choice of actions.
Had the content of the signs been released in public chat or displayed within a capital hall in spawn then by all
means the punishment would've been necessary. But to ban four players, without warning is seriously an unwise decision
morally and from the perspective of a server owner. It damages reputation, the server's playerbase and the atmosphere of the
server as a whole.
You make it clear in the post that this is harrasment. It's not. To harass someone is to go out of you way is to induce
pressure, intimidate, or communicate attacks to a person in whatever manner that may be. These messages, although disgusting,
were private and by no means were harrasment despite how wrong the content may have been.
The signs were by no means serious and were just a result of their (maybe not very good) sense of humour.
Ideally staff should've taken measures to warn the players, maybe telling them to remove the signs. But considering that nothing
was actually said to the victims in question, to ban without warning seems immature to say the least.
Im sorry that my first post on this forum has to be a negative one, but it disappoints me to no end how staff have dealt with this.

*Sorry for horrible layout


Well-Known Member
Genuinely i believe this is an unproffesional response to this situation.
What the signs said was wrong yes, but they were not public and even within the town itself
were hidden and not for the world to see. In loka its apparent that town chat and towns are fair game
so to suddenly go back on this rule definitely doesnt seem like the appropriate choice of actions.
Had the content of the signs been released in public chat or displayed within a capital hall in spawn then by all
means the punishment would've been necessary. But to ban four players, without warning is seriously an unwise decision
morally and from the perspective of a server owner. It damages reputation, the server's playerbase and the atmosphere of the
server as a whole.
You make it clear in the post that this is harrasment. It's not. To harass someone is to go out of you way is to induce
pressure, intimidate, or communicate attacks to a person in whatever manner that may be. These messages, although disgusting,
were private and by no means were harrasment despite how wrong the content may have been.
The signs were by no means serious and were just a result of their (maybe not very good) sense of humour.
Ideally staff should've taken measures to warn the players, maybe telling them to remove the signs. But considering that nothing
was actually said to the victims in question, to ban without warning seems immature to say the least.
Im sorry that my first post on this forum has to be a negative one, but it disappoints me to no end how staff have dealt with this.

*Sorry for horrible layout
i agree