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Horned for Sentry

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Age: 15 (16 in May, if this helps)

Current Rank: Slicer

Applying for: Sentry

What you think is expected of this rank: A sentry is to be trusted to try and help wherever possible with general problems, such as spamming and griefing, but also, to help new players by answering any queries they may have. They should know when to intervene with problems and try to keep a neutral stance with new players, giving unbiased information about specific topics (if asked about them).

Why you think you should become this rank: I would like to think that in the time i have been playing on this server, people have gotten to know me well and generally think of me as a nice and helpful person. Whenever possible, I have helped various different players in the community by donating much needed items and I have also been able to help certain projects, which mag will know about, as well as a few others.

When you started playng on the server: I joined Loka very shortly after Adder did, however I cannot give a specific date. I do know that I have been here for a good two years though.

Time zone: GMT, however you will most likely see me playing when Magpie is on and when most of the other players in the community are on.

How often do you play: I usually try to play 20-25 hours a week, however this varies, depending on my shool life, or if I am playing during a holiday.

I look forward to hearing from whomever does the promotions!
(maybe even before tonight :3)


+1 from me Horned! You've been on for awhile, and you're a really kind and considerate person. 100% support.


Well-Known Member
You have had a few commitment problems in the past, however it would seem to me that you are in a lengthy spell of enormous playtime. I would hope that giving you sentry would ensure you remain commited.
Definitely have the makings of a sentry, people seem to get on with you well and you are a nice guy in real life! (Provided you have faith in yourself in chinese :3 )

EDIT: with an influx of guardian applications there will also be gaps for new sentries. Might I push here for other aspiring sentries to make your applications soon enough to fill the void.


Horned is a super sweet guy. Has helped me several times. I totally think he will make an awesome sentry. 100% promote this guy :)


I would also like to add he is very active on the forums and is great to /bg with..


I have found horned to be trustworthy and well liked by newer players on the server. He seems knowledgeable and I've seen his hard work firsthand. Support from me.


Active Member
Absolutely, you really would do great as a sentry. You have all the qualities of a great one, and you have plenty of experience.

A definite +1 from me!


First off, thank you for all the positive feedback. It means a lot, knowing that i'm liked by people and i'm not the unknown player I used to be. Secondly,I would like to tell the admins that I would like my submission for sentry to go on hold. As you may have noticed, my play time is not what it was a couple of weeks ago. This is because it was the Easter holidays and I could afford to come on a lot, but this week, i've barely been on at all. Hopefully this will change in a month or so's time, because I will be on exam leave. In the meantime, I have been doing something, which I will suggest to Crypt or some high-up person at a later date :)

Thanks much


Well-Known Member
I suggest to the high-ups he gets his promotion anyway, with us only expecting his playtime to rise in a months time.
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