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No Plans to Implement Horse buffs in conquest


Generally speaking, horses are weak in terms of PvP. They usually can be felled quite quickly, especially in a hectic conquest fight. Now, I personally believe horses should get a buff in conquest (battle zones), but not the overworld. Such a change, however will most likely be taken with a side of salt and many players might argue against it, and I don't blame them, it would reform 'authentic PvP' on Loka.

Here are some of my ideas for buffs

Option one: Horse are gifted with more health, and respawn with the player at spawn (only if they die in a battle zone). To balance things out, perhaps once a player's horse is killed (taking into account they're still mounting it) they could take a few hearts of damage from the 'fall' and a json could appear on screen saying something along the lines of: '&7Your steed has been 7c&lslain &7and you have suffered a great fall.'

Option two: Horses are invincible in conquest, but their statistics like speed and jump are nerfed. (This one probably will come with some controversy.)

Option three: MrP lets me organise a jousting tournament and it becomes an official event.

Please let me know how I could improve on such ideas, thanks guys! <3


Well-Known Member
Id love if

IF you are on horse - your damage is doubled or 1.5x ..., but if you get hit even once, you fall off the horse.
Would make Jousting a thing, and would be lots of fun.

Also, people could bind a horse with a /horse command, and make it despawn/spawn on request, but only one per player. would atleast give them an use.


Id love if

IF you are on horse - your damage is doubled or 1.5x ..., but if you get hit even once, you fall off the horse.
Would make Jousting a thing, and would be lots of fun.

Also, people could bind a horse with a /horse command, and make it despawn/spawn on request, but only one per player. would atleast give them an use.
yeah good idea, bound horses still have the fall but respawn.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
I would love to see players charging into battle on horseback. However the biggest problem for me is how glitchy horses are in vanilla minecraft. So yeah my vote is jousting tournaments.


Well-Known Member
I would love to see players charging into battle on horseback. However the biggest problem for me is how glitchy horses are in vanilla minecraft. So yeah my vote is jousting tournaments.

What exactly about them is glitchy? for ive been using some to ride around my town and i dont notice bugs.


Well-Known Member
Also, people could bind a horse with a /horse command, and make it despawn/spawn on request, but only one per player. would atleast give them an use.

I actually wrote a bit of code (albeit, when I was still in my infancy of coding, so it's terribly inefficient) that might be able to cover just this. If we ever want to go through with this idea, hit me up Crypt! I'd be more than happy to rewrite it for you and use it for Loka ^-^

What exactly about them is glitchy? for ive been using some to ride around my town and i dont notice bugs.

If I had to guess, it's how horses are tracked on the server: Entities besides the player are usually server side, whereas the player is client side (I think, don't quote me on that), which is why things like "hit reg" are so buggy: you might look like you're hitting a player on your screen, whereas, according to the server, that player is a mile away. This would kind of role over into pvp, I'd assume, and I imagine that's what Mag is talking about.


Active Member
I think that it would be really neat to be able to use horses in Conquest, but at the moment there are no advantages to using them (if you can even get a horse to the battle zone.)
Id love if

IF you are on horse - your damage is doubled or 1.5x ..., but if you get hit even once, you fall off the horse.
Would make Jousting a thing, and would be lots of fun.

Also, people could bind a horse with a /horse command, and make it despawn/spawn on request, but only one per player. would atleast give them an use.

I think the despawn/spawn thing could work.

I would love to see players charging into battle on horseback. However the biggest problem for me is how glitchy horses are in vanilla minecraft. So yeah my vote is jousting tournaments.

I would really like to participate in some jousting tournaments, but I see two major problems with that.

#1. How do you even get your horse to the event?

#2. What do you use for a lance?

I have a lot more I could say on this, but I think I'll stop with that.


Well-Known Member
place an armorstand on horse, if it gets hit, player gets thrown off horse.
The armorstand hitbox is as big as players, and would be bound to follow wherever horse goes.

The horse gives no advantage, but if player attack is buffed while on one, it could give advantage, and the nerf would be the instant knocking down - other players getting on your horse too.

These player specific bound horses could be made unbreeedable maybe? so players actually get a good horse farm going before they start binding the horses.

Also if killed, would respawn with half a hearth at its home place - /horse setspawn
or something.


Active Member
place an armorstand on horse, if it gets hit, player gets thrown off horse.
The armorstand hitbox is as big as players, and would be bound to follow wherever horse goes.

The horse gives no advantage, but if player attack is buffed while on one, it could give advantage, and the nerf would be the instant knocking down - other players getting on your horse too.

These player specific bound horses could be made unbreeedable maybe? so players actually get a good horse farm going before they start binding the horses.

Also if killed, would respawn with half a hearth at its home place - /horse setspawn
or something.

I like the /horse setspawn idea.


Well-Known Member
One of my friends from another server managed to create quite an amazing system for jousting, I'd be delighted if there was a tournament for jousting on loka, I might even host an event for it some day.

I also like the idea of a /horse command, having a fully customizeable horse would be great, what I think would also be great with this command is if you were able to upgrade your horse in some way, like a levelling system, the more you use your horse the more experience it gains, once it reaches a point in experience it levels up and you can choose whether to upgrade its speed, its jumping ability or its health. There could also be perks which you can choose to purchase for the horse when the horse levels up instead of choosing to upgrade the speed, jumping ability or health, these perks could be a charge, stomp or a kick perhaps. There would also of course have to be a max level for the horse otherwise someone could make a massively overpowered horse by grinding non-stop.


Well-Known Member
Or just have natural horses breed, As customisable as you can breed em. and you bind the horse that you are fine with having with
/horse bind
or something like that. Unbinding it would kill it instantly. Would give a reason to try to get them wild horses back to town.


All these ideas are so creative, and for a tournament it would probs have kB swords with fences on the side and above so the horses can’t jump and only joust. An alternative, is an arena in which horses cannot die or have great resistance, I’d love to see something like that.

Maybe horses can be bound to a /horse?