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Implemented Horseman Loot


Well-Known Member
Alright, so this post is gonna be fairly straightforward, right now, as far as I can tell at least, the horseman drops nothing, to me that seems a bit whack yo, for the amount of effort people put into killing it, sometimes dying to him, there should be some sort of reward for killing him, his sword or head or something. I felt the need to make this post after I just killed the horseman after him annoyingly teleporting around everywhere avoiding my EPIC minecraft killing skills, the reward doesn't have to be massive, but nothing just seems a bit oo-er, if the horseman were to drop loot after dying it'd kinda make the fight ok, rather than having this albeit cool but annoying fight with powerful boss and then getting nothing from your hard work and.


Well-Known Member
Imo not enough people regularly use horses (because elytra) for diamond horse armor to be worth killing the Horseman for. It’s absolutely better than nothing, and does give a bit of incentive to kill him, but horse armor doesn’t really seem worth it to me.