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Accepted Horses in spawn issue


I caught a wild horse and then I jumped off of it in spawn. When I went to get back on it, I received a message saying something about me not owning it and was kicked off the horse. I ended up having to push it out of spawn to get back on him. Anyone else have this issue?


Active Member
I used to have that issue, then I stopped getting horses from spawn. The issue is probably formed from players going out to the plains biome near spawn, and taming the horses but not using them to go where they have to go. They tame them, then leave them in he wild.


Well I got that horse from several thousands blocks from spawn. However, now that I think about it I should have added this info....it was a horse that might have tamed from my travels long time ago. I had went back for a 15 heart horse that I remembered about, but decided to bring that one back instead.(can't remember if I went through the taming process)
Main issue would then be, a horse that is rode into spawn and dismounted will not be able to be remounted.
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Active Member
I think if you get the horse and ride it through the town portal first, then it becomes yours. I've rode some horses through the town portal first and then I ride it back to do a test and got off of it at spawn, and it let me remount it.