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HotDogKid unmute appeal last V2

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Active Member
About 8-9 months ago i was muted for saying a racial slur after loosing a duel. I sincerely regret doing this and i understand my actions could've have been harmful to the server and to my opponent. I really want to be able to talk to my friends on the server and be more involved in the community. I think i deserve a 2nd chance and hope you can see that too.


This is a screenshot of the person who reported me, we are now great friends and vc almost everyday.


Active Member
+1 he dosent say racial slurs he has stopped being racist "hot dog kid" thank you for not being racist do you perhaps love yourself and wish to project this love on a wide variety of people? +1 isnt racist dosent say racist slurs good example
i couldnt agree more mimo4


Active Member
+1 I have vced with hotdogkid a couple of times and I barely ever hear him be toxic. I would say to give him one final chance to be unmuted.


+1 all of these guys are just being biased, hotdogkid does not say anything anymore like that anymore hes definetely changed
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