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HoundReaver unban appeal


New Member
Hello Lokans,

I was banned from Loka on august 17th of 2023, I was 12 years old at the time of my ban. At the time of writing this appeal, I am 14 years old. I have matured a lot since my ban. I took a 10 month break from Minecraft after I realized how angry I got over the game and how unhealthy it was for me. I was banned for saying the N word multiple times to multiple different people because I was mad that I died at Zyre Cove. I don't know why I would have gotten that angry, looking back I realize how childish and immature that was. I want to take full responsibiltiy for my actions that day and anyone I hurt the feelings of or annoyed. If you guys are reading this, I once again want to say that I am truly sorry to Tedzi and Summerboy and anyone else who I may have caused trouble for. Please take into consideration that I was only 12 at the time and that I have matured significantly since the time of my ban and I will never say those things to anyone ever again.

Thank you everyone who took the time out of your day to read this appeal, and I hope to see you all soon.



+1 Ive known hound for a long time and I have first hand seen him mature and grow up, and personally I believe he deserves this second chance to be part of the server.