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HzDxrk ban appeal

IGN: HzDxrk
Date Of Ban: 7 Months Ago
Reason: Hacking

Sorry for bad english I'm using translator.

Dear Lokans

A long time ago I cheated on my friend's discord with my screen on and I was banned because he reported me, I know what I did was ridiculous but I realized it 1 week after I was banned and I thought about opening a sub account but I didn't, after a long break from Minecraft, the only thing that came to my mind was how long ago I was banned on Loka and I saw that 7 months had passed and I thought it was a long time to be forgiven and I created an appeal. I hope you will forgive me because I regret it very much and I apologize to the Loka people for the time I cheated.


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