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I don't know how to say this except this way.

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Active Member
Hello, it's me, Nova. Long time no see, I've joined this server in September 2016. I'm considered a long time player and I've been a core player for a long time. However, I've been banned for 5 months now for bad behaviour of course, you all remember this. My friends that have stayed on loka seem to want me to return and they miss me. Thanks to them, I've not been the typical Nova like how I was before my ban. I recently talked to many old friends, like Aureon, Darkslime , and Mario. I've gotten hit with a wave of nostalgia and feelings. One of these feelings was missing the past fun noob adventures on Loka. I'm gonna keep this short, simple, understandable, and sincere. I really hope to play on Loka again after 5 months with my friends. I take full responsibility for my actions, and they won't happen again. I have been working on my temper as a person and trying my best to keep it to a minimum. To those that I have done wrong to, I am sorry. I may not be able to travel back in time, but I will at least try to do my best to fix the damage. To those that do not accept my apology, it's okay. I probably won't speak to anyone unless spoken to if I do get unbanned. Crypt & Mag please reconsider and think about this, I'd love to contribute and return to Loka.


New Member
Acknowledging our wrongdoings and putting them behind us are the best way to move on from past incidents.

Because of this, and the fact you gave it time (5 months, in fact) to think over what happened before appealing, I am going to give a hearty +1!


New Member
I have known Nova for 2 years now and know he is a good person, and would like to see him return. +1
Nova helped me when I was in need of shards. My town was going to die and he saved it. He's been a good friend to me and my friends. +1


+1 Ive been in calls with Nova and he did seem to change quite a bit . Plus its been 5 months like he mentioned and I think that is more than long enough of a ban for what he did.


Well-Known Member
Staff member
People may continue to dislike Nova for his previous behavior and try to put down his ban appeal but I feel the need to say that every time I’ve spoken with Nova since he’s been banned he genuinely seems to understand that the way he acted before was wrong and seems genuinely apologetic about his behavior. With that being said, he does have a long track record and should be kept on close watch, but I think he’s learned in his time away from the server and should be given another chance at proving himself. Personally I’d love for him to come back a better person and maybe become a slicer eventually. Nobody truly wants bans to be solely for punishment, atonement and a healthy look at ones actions is the ideal response to being banned. Hopefully Nova has been using his time wisely, but I personally think that his time has come around. But now that I’ve said my piece I’ll let him sit in judgement by Maggers and Skyman.


Well-Known Member
i have been talking to nova a couple of times after his ban I do believe that he has actually changed I believe he has matured very much and is a good boy yes yes +1


Well-Known Member
Personally with the number of offenses you committed I'm surprised you weren't prem banned earlier. That being said some of my interactions with Nova have been distasteful while others have been just fine. I think your ban should laster longer. Not necessarily forever but at least for another few months. You can say what you want about this post but I'm not going to post anything again here. Message me over discord for further information. I also have no reason to believe you've learned your lesson I've heard that time too many times to fall for it. There is no reason for me to think that you will continue good behavior and be ok on Loka.

TLDR: Absolutely Not -1.


Active Member
Honestly, I know for a fact you have changed for the better. You are way more calm and relaxed, you have not said anything mean to anyone in quite some time now. It is very very cool to see you like this, and I simply cannot wait to see how everyone will react to you once they have seen how much of a better person you have become. You my good Sir, get a +1

Sincerely, Blazeslayer. Former King of Volterra, and High Lord Executioner of Drachensfestung.


Well-Known Member
Could make the current conquest setup a touch more dynamic while we wait for things to spice up. Let the lad play, +1


New Member
I think that it would have been fair if you just muted him, rather than banning him permanently, give the man a shot. After all, he hadn't opened his mouth for the five months of being banned. +1


Active Member
Personally with the number of offenses you committed I'm surprised you weren't prem banned earlier. That being said some of my interactions with Nova have been distasteful while others have been just fine. I think your ban should laster longer. Not necessarily forever but at least for another few months. You can say what you want about this post but I'm not going to post anything again here. Message me over discord for further information. I also have no reason to believe you've learned your lesson I've heard that time too many times to fall for it. There is no reason for me to think that you will continue good behavior and be ok on Loka.

TLDR: Absolutely Not -1.
I'm going to have to agree with Steve on this. Your actions were terrible, and I really don't think you should be unbanned. You have "learned your lesson" before and come back and started being terrible again, you've had so many chances and you have never given me any reason to believe you've changed. I am sorry, but I'm gonna say nah son, -1 on this


Active Member
Everyone deserves another chance, regardless of what number chance it is. As long as he is actually sorry for what he did and wants to change, he should get another chance. It doesn't matter what he did. If he messed up again then punish him again, and if in the future he is sorry give him another chance again.

You may not know if he's actually sorry and will change but you should still give him the chance. Don't act like you all have never needed another chance before.


Well-Known Member
I believe that Nova is ready to come back to Loka, and does deserve another chance. As with Grubul, I was also lucky to be given another opportunity to enjoy this server and rejoin the community. 5 months is a long period of time, and I'd hope that Nova has used that period effectively.
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