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I don't know how to say this except this way.

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Well-Known Member
Everyone deserves another chance, regardless of what number chance it is. As long as he is actually sorry for what he did and wants to change, he should get another chance. It doesn't matter what he did. If he messed up again then punish him again, and if in the future he is sorry give him another chance again.

You may not know if he's actually sorry and will change but you should still give him the chance. Don't act like you all have never needed another chance before.

It's nice to have the mindset that we should constantly give one-another chances to be forgiven but sadly, it defeats the purpose of a permanent ban. Not to mention the fact that the amount of times they've been given 'another chance' is entirely relevant, if they have consistently broken rules after being forgiven then Loka should move on instead of discussing if toxic players should be unbanned.

This isn't personally direted at Nova but I find the idea of unlimited chances kind of ridiculous. If this was the case there's really no sense in perma bans at all, instead it should just be lengthy temp bans. An example of why chances aren't handed out with ease is mossebobby.

I'm not really fimilar with Nova's entire history of breaking rules so it'd be unwise to make an opinion without all the facts imo.


Active Member
It's nice to have the mindset that we should constantly give one-another chances to be forgiven but sadly, it defeats the purpose of a permanent ban. Not to mention the fact that the amount of times they've been given 'another chance' is entirely relevant, if they have consistently broken rules after being forgiven then Loka should move on instead of discussing if toxic players should be unbanned.

This isn't personally direted at Nova but I find the idea of unlimited chances kind of ridiculous. If this was the case there's really no sense in perma bans at all, instead it should just be lengthy temp bans. An example of why chances aren't handed out with ease is mossebobby.

I'm not really fimilar with Nova's entire history of breaking rules so it'd be unwise to make an opinion without all the facts imo.
This isn't just unlimited chances, it sounds like it's been a while since the ban happened. Technically I am saying unlimited chances but it's not immediate. He's done time so I don't think it's an issue, if he messes up against just ban him again...


Active Member
It's nice to have the mindset that we should constantly give one-another chances to be forgiven but sadly, it defeats the purpose of a permanent ban. Not to mention the fact that the amount of times they've been given 'another chance' is entirely relevant, if they have consistently broken rules after being forgiven then Loka should move on instead of discussing if toxic players should be unbanned.

This isn't personally direted at Nova but I find the idea of unlimited chances kind of ridiculous. If this was the case there's really no sense in perma bans at all, instead it should just be lengthy temp bans. An example of why chances aren't handed out with ease is mossebobby.

I'm not really fimilar with Nova's entire history of breaking rules so it'd be unwise to make an opinion without all the facts imo.
I'm not very good with words so thank you for summing up my thoughts for me :p


Hello, it's me, Nova. Long time no see, I've joined this server in September 2016. I'm considered a long time player and I've been a core player for a long time. However, I've been banned for 5 months now for bad behaviour of course, you all remember this. My friends that have stayed on loka seem to want me to return and they miss me. Thanks to them, I've not been the typical Nova like how I was before my ban. I recently talked to many old friends, like Aureon, Darkslime , and Mario. I've gotten hit with a wave of nostalgia and feelings. One of these feelings was missing the past fun noob adventures on Loka. I'm gonna keep this short, simple, understandable, and sincere. I really hope to play on Loka again after 5 months with my friends. I take full responsibility for my actions, and they won't happen again. I have been working on my temper as a person and trying my best to keep it to a minimum. To those that I have done wrong to, I am sorry. I may not be able to travel back in time, but I will at least try to do my best to fix the damage. To those that do not accept my apology, it's okay. I probably won't speak to anyone unless spoken to if I do get unbanned. Crypt & Mag please reconsider and think about this, I'd love to contribute and return to Loka.
Epic Style man just hit it with the dab and call it oni-chan you have my up most vote mr President here have a +1


New Member
I believe NovaZephyrose has changed for the better.I have been with him since about August 2017 and have seen him handle himself well. I never understood how he could not handle himself, but now I understand that he can handle himself once again. I give him a +1.


Well-Known Member
Nova has been an interesting player with my interactions with him. This is the first time I have seen him type something I can believe. You have been a key player in alot of Ascalonian Lokan history for as long as I can remember. You took pride, and dedication into the server as well!

Months ago, I wanted you gone but now I think its time you came back. You served your time of 5 months and you already know you will be on strict watch from staff on your behavior to see if you really have changed. I believed you have.

When people say the word change they mean your behavior you have directed towards players in the game that comes across inappropriate. That does not mean you have to be peaceful, heck, if you came back you could wage a holy war if you wanted to.

I believe you Nova, and I hope this post I have posted today wont come back and bite me in the butt in the future. Act right, play the game and have fun. You have my definite +1


Active Member
Thank you all for your support in wanting me to return.
My friends, and members really want me to come back and it seems even my enemies, kaph even supported it.
I'd love nothing more than to return to loka and play and relive my fun times.
You can keep me on close watch, and i shall try my best to not be who i was before at the time of my ban.
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New Member
I didn't know Nova for that long but I'd still like to see him come back. +1
Signed ɢᴇɴᴇʀᴀʟ ᴘᴀᴛᴛᴏɴ ✩✩✩✩


Active Member
I hope skyman & maggers forgive me for my actions of the past.
I've achieved what i needed to achieve, which is to truly change on loka.


Well-Known Member
On a semi-unrelated note, I think that if we're going to seriously consider any perm-banned player's appeal, we shouldn't have perm bans at all. Like Koi said, some cases (not necessarily this one) do need to be permanent bans, and some cases do not. But if you're calling it a perm ban, you need to have enough reasons for the banned player to never come back. If you're okay with a future appeal, don't call it a perm ban.

Not trying to be hyper-technical by saying this, it just throws people off and brings them to different conclusions if perm banned players start coming back. Again, in my opinion, permanent bans should be saved for cases which cannot be reconciled. If 6 months is what you need, call it a 6-month ban.


I have known Nova almost since I first joined loka and he has had a huge impact on the server and had a big impact on me so I think he should get another chance. +1


Active Member
On a semi-unrelated note, I think that if we're going to seriously consider any perm-banned player's appeal, we shouldn't have perm bans at all. Like Koi said, some cases (not necessarily this one) do need to be permanent bans, and some cases do not. But if you're calling it a perm ban, you need to have enough reasons for the banned player to never come back. If you're okay with a future appeal, don't call it a perm ban.

Not trying to be hyper-technical by saying this, it just throws people off and brings them to different conclusions if perm banned players start coming back. Again, in my opinion, permanent bans should be saved for cases which cannot be reconciled. If 6 months is what you need, call it a 6-month ban.
I agree, if someone deserves a perm ban, give that person a perm ban, but if you're just going to unban said player it isn't a perm ban, sorry


Well-Known Member
I agree, if someone deserves a perm ban, give that person a perm ban, but if you're just going to unban said player it isn't a perm ban, sorry
Right, and I don't mean it to sound rude or anything, it’s just a better clarification for players and I think it would solidify the rules of banning.


New Member
I have known nova for quite some time. And though he may have made mistakes in the past I do believe that he will make up for them later on. He is a respectable and decent player and I trust him personally to keep his word. +1


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Both myself and Crypt have discussed the appeal and have decided that the ban will remain in place. This does not mean we will not reconsider a future appeal but at this time we do not feel you have changed.

While we do not make decisions purely based on players responses, it does factor in to our decision making. This specific thread is fairly misleading in terms of the communities support of Nova. A large portion of the positive replies are either brand new forum accounts or players who are posting on the forums for the first time. This is very strange and leads us to believe Nova has contacted these people, asking them to leave positive feedback on his ban appeal. It is at the very least suspicious, especially when you have been known to be manipulative in the past. On top of this we have received negative replies privately, as they do not feel comfortably posting them publicly due to their past experiences with him. This also includes recent examples of his behaviour in discords that show similar behaviour to before he was banned.

There are some replies in the thread that talk about giving Nova another chance. While we believe in giving players multiple chances because we are all human and make mistakes, a line must be drawn somewhere. Nova has been given countless chances, warnings and temp bans during his time on Loka. I would go as far to say he has probably received more chances than any other player.

While I forgive Nova for his past actions, there are numerous members of the community that have been hurt as a result of your actions. Until I am confident that this will not happen again in the future, the ban will remain to protect members of the Lokan community.

On a semi-unrelated note, I think that if we're going to seriously consider any perm-banned player's appeal, we shouldn't have perm bans at all. Like Koi said, some cases (not necessarily this one) do need to be permanent bans, and some cases do not. But if you're calling it a perm ban, you need to have enough reasons for the banned player to never come back. If you're okay with a future appeal, don't call it a perm ban.

Not trying to be hyper-technical by saying this, it just throws people off and brings them to different conclusions if perm banned players start coming back. Again, in my opinion, permanent bans should be saved for cases which cannot be reconciled. If 6 months is what you need, call it a 6-month ban.

The term perma ban is often used but in reality it's actually an indefinite ban. Basically meaning there is no guarantee that player will be unbanned and there is no end date to their ban. However if we feel enough time has passed and that player has changed, then we may choose to lift the ban. If that player returns they will be on a final warning, and future rule breaks will likely result in another 'indefinite ban'.
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