Birds. More music. halfsteps of all materials. stairs of all materials. thirst meter along with hunger. Some sort of physical mail system instead of chat based. Emotes (waving, smiling, frowning, anger bubbles, etc etc). Automated builder villagers that build buildings for you when you give them a certain amount of materials and payment. Horses for fast land travel. Dolphins for fast underwater travel. Shields that can be held with swords. Different kinds of arrows (flame, ice, poison, slow). New biomes that reflect a more mystical nature (crystal forests, burning pits/volcanoes, giant mushrooms, trees grow in a more random fashion at certain sizes, etc etc etc). A trade system with a confirm button. Musical instruments. different color beds. dream sequences when you sleep. barbarian villagers that attack everything and anything. True alchemy, the melting down and mixture of many different metals and alloys.
I could go on for hours. haha