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If you have a good computer and fraps


Staff member
The server will be in need of a decent camera crew sooner than later. If you have a good computer, can run minecraft at all the full settings and whatnot, and have fraps or screenflow or some other such recording-of-gameplay program, your assistance may be needed in the foreseeable future. Respond if meet these requirements and indicate your timezone, just so's we know.

Reading too much into it in 3... 2... 1...
Very soon i will be able to run all of my RAM out of the 8gb so will easily be able to run full settings and SEUS or equivalent if necessary. Im a brit so am usually on 7:30 to 9:30 GMT-ish. I can vouch for mop too since he will have a clone of my computer after tomorrow.
I've got a brand new supercomputer,

i5 Quadcore 3.6ghz
16gigs of ram
Nvidea Ti560 gfx card.

I'm not on this computer much seeing as the majority of my play is during the day when I'm away from the house. But i'd be willing to spend a good few nights being a camera man.
All i will say is we need a server texture pack, one that defines us as a server and the lore. Maybe the one alch is working on will fit the bill, but would be nice if all pics were in the same texture.
I can get on that and post the texturepack tonight

You guys check it out and give me any criticisms on it

God, gross. Dunno how you can play with it unless you know no different. It's like going black...
Aint' nuthin wrong with default. Best texture pack out there and I've tried quite a few in my time :P
I suppose I have an extra-deep bias, since visual effects is my career and my job is to make things as pretty and lively as possible.
I'm playing around with my computer now so I may be of use but my computer definitely cannot handle shaders.
Well, depends, can I just copy and paste the default textures into the texture pack?