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No Plans to Implement Implement transferring ownership of lore items


Hello Loka,

I am suggesting a system where items that have had a lore scroll used on them (primarily swords), are able to have ownership transferred to another player, maybe by an NPC or a simple command. This would make it so if the original owner of the item wants to gift it, or wants someone else to be able to edit it they can do so by granting ownership to that person. This feature seems completely harmless to me and would be a welcome quality of life change for Loka going forward.


Staff member
Unfortunately we will never do something like this. This is one of those cases where literally Loka's small amount of money that we make to keep the lights on comes from Lored items and if people could freely swap around ownership, players would be less inclined to obtain their own lores.

It's important to buy your own lored items; we feel it gives players a stronger sense of ownership and care for the their item. If you could give away lored ownership, I'd wager the quality of lores (in terms of how players style and decorate them, etc) would go down quite a bit.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Not to mention the EULA. Technically we shouldn't allow people to trade lore items at all, so this is definitely a step too far.