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No Plans to Implement Increase AI Prices


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Community Rep
I mean, you shouldn't be the only person grinding for your town, that's messed up man and not the way team work server should be played :confused:.

And like I said in the above, one Nyx run can yield a stack and a half of AI. Let's take this fight for example, this is probably on the larger sides of fights and resources consumed. If you had two players purchase two stacks of AIs that's this fight done. I think there's an issue with possible ways to collect AI though.

I say two players because at the market price for what a Nyx quest rewards go for you can definitely cover this fight with only two people doing the quest.
one fight. This also doesn't account for the fact that people gank all day which requires AI's, grind which also requires AI's, and other activities that require AI's.


Active Member
Ancient Ingots are currently worth 32 shards, and Lenrith is a business man. He can see that the Lokan Shard is highly inflated and that 32 shards is literally nothing in the terms of the Lokan economy, everything else on the market rose, beacons, wood, shulkers. So why shouldn't the items entities give players?

Actually, why not increase the prices of all items that are given by entities?

So what Im saying is to increase AI price to a core a pop, or maybe 48 a pop. What are your thoughts?
did you also happen to spend 2 shulkers of cores on ais an hour before posting this?


Well-Known Member
you can literally use common sense to dispute this
More people grinding = more money in the economy = more ais used for conquest/grinding
it balances itself out


Well-Known Member
did you also happen to spend 2 shulkers of cores on ais an hour before posting this?
You think I'm that rich? You clearly over estimate my wealth

By a big margin. I'm not doing this for me, I'm doing this because it would make sense to increase it.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Appreciate the suggestion and it does make some sense. However, at this time, we will likely keep them as is. Partly because we don't want to increase the barrier to entry to conquest (even if relatively minor). In the future when we expand ways to grind for shards and other resources (hopefully so there is one option every player enjoys) then perhaps we will look at rebalancing things like this. In the meantime, I think there are better ways we can provide item/shard sinks.