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Industry Buildings Help

It would seem as though the next category with the most towns at or above level 50 is Excavation
Is the barn building accepted? what would the excavation industry building serve to do?
Barn building is accepted, yes.

Anybody have any ideas what the Excavation Industry should be/do? We have some ideas, but none are final. Excavation isn't the most exciting industry.
Well, let's break down what we ought to have in an excavation industry building.

All of the industry buildings so far have added a little tag to items showing what town they were created or processed in. Since excavation is about digging and excavating common ground blocks, the industry building could produce dirt, sand, and gravel with a tag saying something like "Excavated in Citadel".

As far as a name and a specific thing that makes it unique, I'd called it the Quarry, and possibly make it a kind of dirt/sand/gravel gen in which you have Haste II. Being able to collect these blocks in your town without destroying the landscape would be an added bonus for keeping the map semi-presentable, and with the haste it's convenient enough that people will use it. Maybe not as often as they use something like the Arcanum, but it'd definitely be useful.

Anyway those are just my thoughts. Debate away!

EDIT: Also, clay. Clay is also a common ground block commonly excavated from a quarry.
This may sound odd, but what about a regeneratimg graveyard in which you can dig the graves for either treasure or zombies?
I like art's idea best so far, and it would definitely be nice to have more clay around. At the moment the blocks he mentioned aren't hard to get, its just the collection spoils landscapes.
I think it should be able to convert any block into flint. Because who doesn't need more flint?
What if the quarry were to allow you to have a standardized enchantements for shovels at different costs (and for shovels ONLY).

5 levels for Efficiency 1/Unbreaking 1

10 levels for Efficiency 2/Unbreaking 2

15 levels for Efficiency 3/Unbreaking 3

20 levels for Efficiency 4/Unbreaking 3

25 Levels for Efficiency 5/Unbreaking 3

30 Levels for Efficiency 5/Unbreaking 3/Silk Touch 1?
Seems like that would give a good boost for excavation getting to be aware of what enchantment you can get on a shovel and still cost enough that it won't be entirely abused.
tomorrow i build a quarry of the idea in my head, and explain. Overlaps in everything with arts idea.
All of the industry buildings so far have added a little tag to items showing what town they were created or processed in. Since excavation is about digging and excavating common ground blocks, the industry building could produce dirt, sand, and gravel with a tag saying something like "Excavated in Citadel".

As far as a name and a specific thing that makes it unique, I'd called it the Quarry, and possibly make it a kind of dirt/sand/gravel gen in which you have Haste II. Being able to collect these blocks in your town without destroying the landscape would be an added bonus for keeping the map semi-presentable, and with the haste it's convenient enough that people will use it. Maybe not as often as they use something like the Arcanum, but it'd definitely be useful.

EDIT: Also, clay. Clay is also a common ground block commonly excavated from a quarry.

What if the quarry were to allow you to have a standardized enchantements for shovels at different costs (and for shovels ONLY).

5 levels for Efficiency 1/Unbreaking 1

10 levels for Efficiency 2/Unbreaking 2

15 levels for Efficiency 3/Unbreaking 3

20 levels for Efficiency 4/Unbreaking 3

25 Levels for Efficiency 5/Unbreaking 3

30 Levels for Efficiency 5/Unbreaking 3/Silk Touch 1?

I really like both of these ideas, they make sense and give good perks for an Excavation Industry.

Because who doesn't need more flint?
Q: Does the amount of levels saved by the Arcanum increase at level 75 and 100 enchanting?
Well.. About the excavation idustry. Can it be made so it goes downward, not upward? I have this idea of a small quarry thats goal is to either have dirt, stone, clay, sand (both colors) and the rest of excavation to be either automaticly put in a chest, or it would be mineable, and then it would respawn with some time interwalls, like once a day?
What if the excavation industry allowed you to convert between andesite, diorite, and granite? Doesn't make complete sense thematically, but it sure would be useful once we hit 1.8.

Edit: Maybe throw cobblestone in there too because they're the same block type, but have a much smaller conversion rate?

Edit of Edit: Throw some ender pearls in the mix as well and out pops End Stone? O_O
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Zor is on a good track imo. This would allow a streamline method for getting the new ores for those that aren't at the new expanded borders. The end stone seems like it'd be the mining industry but still. I'd love to see something that allows you to generate sponge. That'll be useful when we see guardians and underwater fortresses.
My thoughts with End Stone are it's basically just yellow cobblestone and for the mining industry I'd think we would want to go for something like a chest that converts ores into items with Fortune III.
So, For excavation - to convert dirt with cobble to clay maybe? and Dirt with something to sponge? The new dorite and other ores are craftable easly i think
I still think it ought to be called the Quarry. What else would you call an excavation industry? And clay should definitely be involved, as well as any other materials that come out of quarries normally.