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New Infinite Pearls Bug


Active Member
I reported this to Aegon and some other folks already so I assume Crypt knows about it, but I thought I'd make a report anyway.

If you have the Pearlescent perk, you can create infinite pearls by continuously throwing pearls inside your town into a giant nether portal. So far it's only worked with a particular huge double-sided portal in Aeurh, and when Aegon tried it in Dragonstone with his regular portal he actually lost a pearl. It basically just slowly fills your inventory with pearls the longer you hold down right trigger throwing them into the portal. They're real pearls, not just dupes that disappear when you move them from your inventory.

So yeah, crypt should probably fix this before everyone gets infinite pearls.

>mfw I discovered this bug


P.S. I threw all the pearls I got at Aegon and he left them to despawn :p


Active Member
Fortunately there's few of us that can even attempt this. Until Crypt finds a fix, I strongly suggest no one abuse this...strongly...


Active Member
Was this ever fixed? Anyone might have replicated it and been stocking up on pearls this whole time.