I took some screenshots of a conversation I had with a rather unique person on the server recently, and would like to post them here for the community to examine.
Earlier today, the halls of Asgard were visited by a very special individual.
After this, she left for about fifteen minutes. Knowing she would return to complete the message, I stood vigil at the foot of the throne.
I didn't get a screenshot of the very last thing she said, but it was something along the lines of "Good luck, warrior". Then she simply logged out, and hasn't appeared since.
What do you all make of it?
Also, it's marginally ironic that a goddess sometimes called Syr (sow, female mother-pig), and a member of the Vanir (associated with pigs in their symbolism and sacrificial practices), appeared first to me, a pigman.
Earlier today, the halls of Asgard were visited by a very special individual.

After this, she left for about fifteen minutes. Knowing she would return to complete the message, I stood vigil at the foot of the throne.

I didn't get a screenshot of the very last thing she said, but it was something along the lines of "Good luck, warrior". Then she simply logged out, and hasn't appeared since.
What do you all make of it?
Also, it's marginally ironic that a goddess sometimes called Syr (sow, female mother-pig), and a member of the Vanir (associated with pigs in their symbolism and sacrificial practices), appeared first to me, a pigman.