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No Plans to Implement Invasion, Loot box and ?


K lets start with Invasion
Its like a town invasion. You get 2 hours to prep and get your people. You need to get in the town your invading and take the tgen. There will be 2 sides like a normal beachhead. If you lose you do not lose your town. You cant open any chest. After the invasion all blocks will Re gen. You can start from a outpost (im willing to make) and spawn there and walk/fly to the town The winner will get a random drop. There will be a cost 5k shards or something around that.

Loot box
This is a easy way to make it so u don`t have to waste you money on loot creates. In conquest you earn loot boxes. For every couple kills or lamps you get loot boxes.

Now the big one...

Orange trees :D

Have a nice night -_Blayde


Well-Known Member
could you describe the process more please? how to initiate this event, the goal of this, the overall effects on the town? I think this sounds interesting I'm just unsure of what exactly in happening.


Active Member
I think the current raiding system is good and adds more skill than just pvp, since you need to find clever ways to get inside a town in the first place with the current system. -1


Well-Known Member
You already won’t need to spend money to get loot crates. Orbs are earned through voting and participating in ranked pvp. That already gives a healthy amount of orbs not to mention the 500 orb dump the monthly top voter(s) earn

Also if the fight is 50 people attacking would they all get a loot box? Financially speaking anyway that this system of earning loot crates so quickly is horrible for the server.

I also personally believe that any siege mechanic will have too many negatives rather than positives. You could siege any town and then you force it’s members to experience the fight. Conquest fights have always been voluntary participation (in terms of actually going to them) and should remain as such


I don't really think we need town invasions. As of now I think we're doing fine without them and it would make the struggle harder for small towns or towns with less actives. -1 for that.
As for loot boxes I'm indifferent on that, it could go or no