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itadori unban appeal

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New Member
---------------itadori Unban Appeal---------------
My Current Ign:italla
Date that i got banned: 03/02/2023 (17Month ago)
Last Appeal (5Month ago) Answer(3month ago) ;https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/sehititadori-unban-appeal.8371/
(13Month ago)

Banned for : Item Scroller

Hello I am Itadori I got banned on 03/02/2023 and I appeal again. Lets begin from the start, I normally didnt play loka and I had an acc named itadori_fanKi. When koc’s premium was gone he used my acc for a short time (he wasnt banned during this) and I didnt know about loka and let him play. Later on he bought a new premium acc and didnt enter mine again. After my friends’ requests I beginned playing loka after 1 year from these events. Then my account was banned because admins thought koc was still on my old account however I told them that no one used that account anymore so they let me play
When I first started Loka I made some dumbness which wasnt reading the rules. So I and my friend yoshinpori used the Itemscroller mod of macro together. We have used it for 1-2 weeks and I got frozen by Skuhoo. I honestly told him that I was using Itemscroller after he asked me about it Later on he told me that mod was against the rules and banned me. Luckily I havent gone to any conquests and damaged the conquest cycle of the month with this mod since I didnt really know about them (I warped invis and stole shulkers) but I unfortunately have gone to zyre killing few players. I am aware of my mistake and I would like to apologize to everyone who I affected and the admins for disrespecting the harmony they created with such a good community.although not knowing the rules is not considered an excuse, I really regret what I did, I haven't been using macro for about 1.5 years, I couldn't use macro on any server after I got banned from loka, I realized my mistake I made 2. i want the chance, I hope you will accept this appeal. i promise I won't waste my chance
skuhoo-1-02.03.2023.jpegskuhoo-3 02.03.2023.pngeldritch 1.pngeldritch 2.jpg
Alt (mileszMo):
I alted only one time 13 months ago and I played with it for a month. Firstly I would like to apologize to staff for not telling them about this alt on my previous appeals, I made a mistake taking admins not smart by doing that I am also sorry about it. I joined with HellSend17 account first and replaced it with mileszMo by creating a ticket. After I played with this alt I went to another city for the summer holiday and I didnt play with the alt after I returned home. I was scared of my ban would drag on and thats why I didnt tell my alt on the appeal and my alt got banned very later than I used it. If I were honest on my previous appeals I was probably playing in the server right now. I would like to apologize for not being honest.
hellsend17 online.pnghellsend17 ban.pngmileszmo online.pngmileszmo ban.png
Harassment through discord:

As I remember I harassed xDolunay on discord after a 10v10 fight we have done. I have done somethings that should have been done. If I’m not wrong this happened a year ago and I threatened an indiviual for just a video game. I later apologized to him on discord but I just wanted to mention it on my appeal since I would like to apologize to him for the things I have done.
Lie to the Loka Staff:

I dont have an idea how I lied to staff but surely it was said. It has been a quite long time. Maybe it can be the account changing of Hellsend that I mentioned above. Except that I had some chats with Magpieman in dm and I didnt tell him about my alt. I apologize to Magpieman for lying to him.

I didnt have a chance to play loka for long time on my own account but I played it more on my alt. I have done multiple mistakes that I made admins busy. However I realised all my mistakes and mention them here with being 100% honest. Soon it will be 2 years since my ban and I want to have a last chance to play on this server creating memories full of fun with my friends before going to college. One last thing I will request from staff is to be cautious about fake ss. Please request a video clip of discord app(to prevent fake ss) from someone who reports me. Thanks for your time. Have a nice day! :eek::eek:😍
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Active Member
+1 He admitted that he did something illegal and apologized. He should be given another chance
just because you admit and apologize dosent make it right
i think for like one offence the ban should be lifted but this guy cheated alted and harrassed people so maybe a bit longer


New Member
just because you admit and apologize dosent make it right
i think for like one offence the ban should be lifted but this guy cheated alted and harrassed people so maybe a bit longer
I have not defended his crimes. I only stated that he should be given another chance and his appeal was very honest and he seemed to actually understood what he did wrong and why it was wrong
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