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k1llbl4ckpeople unban appeal

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New Member
About 2 weeks ago i got banned for having an inappropriate ign (k1llbl4ckpeople). It was the second time I logged on Loka and i hope it's not the last. I thought it would be a funny joke username but I started getting banned on servers such as Stray and PvP Legacy, and people we're not happy about my ign, and later I realized how messed up this was for me to use that username and I just want to say that I am truly sorry to everyone that I offended and I deeply apologize for my actions. I realized what I did was wrong and I changed my ign as soon as i could. I hope i get a second chance, I really want to play loka with my friends and fight in wars.
Thank you for reading this. And again I sincerely apologize to everyone I offended.

New ign is alqxzz if I do get unbanned.


-1 absolutely unacceptable username, should of never put it on thinking it was a "funny joke" and not major racism. Wait a couple more months to prove you've really reformed.
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