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Kingdom of Elrohir


Well-Known Member
The Kingdom of Elrohir


After the fall of our once great city of Valinor, a group of elves led by Queen Castalina first of her name fled to the northern lands of Ascalon and went into hiding. For thousands of years, the nation of Elrohir chose to hide its magnificence from the world. Those who were seduced by whispers of a technological oasis in the north of Ascalon, searched but found nothing in the endless plains of the north. Or worse, came face to face with our fierce protectors! But the time for hiding in the shadows has passed. We have come forward to share our knowledge and innovation, to take our place as members of a global tribe in order to make the world a better place. Welcome forth, to the kingdom.... of the Elrohiram.


Elrohir is home to the three wands of power (Maxed Lored God Swords). Each wand specializes in an ability, Fire, Water, and Earth. When used in combat, each wand gives off deadly magical spells killing its enemy on sight if used effectively. The high elves of Elrohir believe that the three wands hold stability to the Lokan realm, because of this each wand is held in the tower of the three. A vortex tower with a beacon that shines through it. When the queen and her people first arrived at Elrohir in the plains of northern Ascalon, she had realized a small guild of sorcerers (later known as summoners) had already taken refuge on the land. Quickly they accepted the queen as their leader and swore to protect whoever sits on the throne of the land. Each wand is chosen by a summoner, who’s sworn duty is to protect Elrohir and the throne from all danger. This sacred brotherhood of summoners is elite fighters, who are masters of the bow, sword and horseback riding.


The Elves of Elrohir preoccupy themselves with various things such as smithwork, sculpture, music, and other arts, and of course, what to eat. Males and females can do almost everything equally; however, the females often specialize in the arts of healing while the males go to war. This is because they believe that taking life interferes with the ability to preserve life. However, Elves are not stuck in rigid roles; females can defend themselves at need as well as males, and many males are skilled healers as well. In times of war, Elves would be busy making weapons, preparing food for the army, planning strategies, caring for the wounded, and composing inspiring ballads. But in times of peace, they would stay busy with arts and crafts projects and with writing poems and histories.


The Elves have appeared they are shown to have a higher level of skill in most things than the humans who would come after them; their music is more beautiful, their weapons are sharper and their passions are fiercer. Their culture comes to have heavy influence throughout Ascalon; they teach a great deal to the Humans whom they encounter. By the end of the Third Age, after the Great War of Valinor against Covenant and the Invasion of the men in the west with Utunmo, there has been a union between the ruling houses of the Elves and humanity who have spread throughout the world. The elves of Elrohir are descendants of the kingdom of Valinor, and till this day they still look west to their city that is forever resting.

