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Kippehz Unban Appeal V3

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Well-Known Member
Date of ban- A year ago
IGN Kippehz
Last alt: Around 11 or 12 months ago I'm not sure
Banned for Harassment
Last Appeal https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/kippehz-unban-appeal-v2.8496/ 3 months ago

I am here again to apologise to everyone I harmed, but specifically camel.

What I did.
Around a year ago now, me and a friend were so mad at camel we went on to message his friends to further harass him. I sat in vc watching and laughing whilst my friend messaged camel's Irls, and after it was done, I even messaged camel, trying to annoy him further. I was rightfully banned for this, but despite knowing that I alted on many occasions. Since then, I have made up with camel and I occasionally speak to him.
Selfishly, I convinced some of my close friends to help me, which even resulted in them getting banned. Eventually, I stopped alting and just decided to wait out my ban and appeal at a later date.

Why I deserve a second chance
I have matured a lot and have now finished my GCSEs and I'm now on a long summer break, before I go to college I would love to be given another chance and get unbanned so I can play with all my friends, who have all mostly been unbanned and are now playing again. I am sorry to all the staff that had to waste their time dealing with my alts, I hope you can forgive me and give me a second chance so I can play again this summer, as the truth is I will never do something so damaging like this ever again, and I believe it has been long enough.


Active Member
+1 I have been talking to Kippehz for 2+ years now and he has very much matured since his ban. I can with confidence say that he would never do anything like that again to anybody.


New Member
+1 Since kippehz's ban he has been taking therapy to became a better man, he has changed and matured so much that he was responded with "I think you should be the one sat in this chair" -the therapist, he is a changed man and deserves freedom.
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