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Kippehz Unban Appeal V3

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Active Member
+1 been vcing with him for the past 2-3 months never seen him being toxic and fun vcin with


New Member
+1. Hes a fun and kind guy and ive seen him change alot since I returned. My first friend I made in minecraft and He isnt what he was before.


Active Member
-1 literally doxxed someone over loka minecraft and brought camel to nearly killing himself at one point. You def need longer because what you did was completely deplorable no matter what age or maturity you're at.


New Member
Date of ban- A year ago
IGN Kippehz
Last alt: Around 11 or 12 months ago I'm not sure
Banned for Harassment
Last Appeal https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/kippehz-unban-appeal-v2.8496/ 3 months ago

I am here again to apologise to everyone I harmed, but specifically camel.

What I did.
Around a year ago now, me and a friend were so mad at camel we went on to message his friends to further harass him. I sat in vc watching and laughing whilst my friend messaged camel's Irls, and after it was done, I even messaged camel, trying to annoy him further. I was rightfully banned for this, but despite knowing that I alted on many occasions. Since then, I have made up with camel and I occasionally speak to him.
Selfishly, I convinced some of my close friends to help me, which even resulted in them getting banned. Eventually, I stopped alting and just decided to wait out my ban and appeal at a later date.

Why I deserve a second chance
I have matured a lot and have now finished my GCSEs and I'm now on a long summer break, before I go to college I would love to be given another chance and get unbanned so I can play with all my friends, who have all mostly been unbanned and are now playing again. I am sorry to all the staff that had to waste their time dealing with my alts, I hope you can forgive me and give me a second chance so I can play again this summer, as the truth is I will never do something so damaging like this ever again, and I believe it has been long enough.
+1 really nice guy and is never toxic when I vc with them and helped me out lots when I was new to loka.


New Member
Date of ban- A year ago
IGN Kippehz
Last alt: Around 11 or 12 months ago I'm not sure
Banned for Harassment
Last Appeal https://forums.lokamc.com/threads/kippehz-unban-appeal-v2.8496/ 3 months ago

I am here again to apologise to everyone I harmed, but specifically camel.

What I did.
Around a year ago now, me and a friend were so mad at camel we went on to message his friends to further harass him. I sat in vc watching and laughing whilst my friend messaged camel's Irls, and after it was done, I even messaged camel, trying to annoy him further. I was rightfully banned for this, but despite knowing that I alted on many occasions. Since then, I have made up with camel and I occasionally speak to him.
Selfishly, I convinced some of my close friends to help me, which even resulted in them getting banned. Eventually, I stopped alting and just decided to wait out my ban and appeal at a later date.

Why I deserve a second chance
I have matured a lot and have now finished my GCSEs and I'm now on a long summer break, before I go to college I would love to be given another chance and get unbanned so I can play with all my friends, who have all mostly been unbanned and are now playing again. I am sorry to all the staff that had to waste their time dealing with my alts, I hope you can forgive me and give me a second chance so I can play again this summer, as the truth is I will never do something so damaging like this ever again, and I believe it has been long enough.
-1, As a slicer candidate and a valuable and respected member of the loka community, my decision is not to open this ban. (using google translate.)
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