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Old One
Staff member
Old One
I personally dislike it, and think players should be asked to use english in general chat but can speak as they like in private chat. Whether we can ban players that do not speak english is another matter.


Active Member
I don't really have a problem with it, as long as it doesn't become excessive to the point of spam.


New Member
Artagan said:
I don't really have a problem with it, as long as it doesn't become excessive to the point of spam.

A Artagan le gusta comer tacos y lechugas, ademas, suele despertarse tarde en la noche para ir a la tienda de la esquina y comprar un cuarto de libra de carne cruda molida.
Una vez que regresa a su casa, la coloca debajo de su almohada y cuando despierta, se convierte en una papaya
andrekeroxd said:
Artagan said:
I don't really have a problem with it, as long as it doesn't become excessive to the point of spam.

A Artagan le gusta comer tacos y lechugas, ademas, suele despertarse tarde en la noche para ir a la tienda de la esquina y comprar un cuarto de libra de carne cruda molida.
Una vez que regresa a su casa, la coloca debajo de su almohada y cuando despierta, se convierte en una papaya

Well said, andrekeroxd, well said.

In seriousness though, people can use whatever languages they want. In the future we may have channels, distance based chat, or something else that will cut down on chatter, but this is an internationally used server.

As for admins, they should never kick or ban someone for foreign language use, except if they're not following server rules. In that case, if the admins can't make the rule abuse understood, then the rule should still be enforced.


andrekeroxd said:
Artagan said:
I don't really have a problem with it, as long as it doesn't become excessive to the point of spam.

A Artagan le gusta comer tacos y lechugas, ademas, suele despertarse tarde en la noche para ir a la tienda de la esquina y comprar un cuarto de libra de carne cruda molida.
Una vez que regresa a su casa, la coloca debajo de su almohada y cuando despierta, se convierte en una papaya
Translation: Artagan likes to eat tacos and lettuce also tend to wake up late at night to go to the corner store and buy a quarter pound of raw ground beef.
Once he returns home, puts it under his pillow and when awakened, becomes a papaya