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Let's make Town Zoning more awesome!


Staff member
Because you still just don't have quite as much control as you really want, do you? As part of our upcoming set of updates to the server, the addition of an intro town specifically tailored for brand new joins, we're going to be extending our zoning feature set in order to put even more control in the the hands of town owners.

Midgard (the noob town) will be giving new players a taste of township, the chance to meet other new players, but will limit their experience in a couple unique ways so that the town doesn't turn into an instant noob ghetto. As a result, a few features are coming to both Midgard and all towns that will help (specifically larger) towns have finer control over zoning.

Announcing Claimable Zones!
Upon release, you will now be able to create zones and then flag them as claimable. This will be done by placing some combination of a block with a sign attached to it. Upon attaching the sign, you will be prompted if you wish to set that zone as claimable. Once a zone is deemed claimable, a player who meets the level requirements of that zone can break the sign and claim that zone as their own. This will then allow only that player (and town leadership, of course) build perms on that plot. Of course we'll also add commands where you can set a player as an owner of a plot if you do not wish to utilize the sign system.

For some of our larger towns with specially zoned areas for level 1 members, this will allow you to pre-zone your level 1 houses/huts/whatever as claimable. This will then give new members the safety of their own plot with the additional ability to also have perms in general level 1 zones. Then, you can just tell them to go pick their hut and worry about your bigger problems.

This is all of course optional. You're welcome to just have a level 1 area and let the new members do as they please. If, however, you want to narrow those permissions down and ensure that people rise to the occasion in a more controlled (and less scary) way, these should be right up your alley. This should give town owners more confidence in inviting players they don't fully trust as you can effectively cordon off areas that only that player can have build perms, rather than letting all level 1 members fight among themselves.

Announcing ZoneTech!
Zone creation is not terribly intuitive. If you aren't familiar or comfortable with cuboid selections and the magic of the Golden Axe, making zones is out of reach for a great number of players. By piggybacking some of the tech behind Industry/Territory Building Placement, we'll be introducing a system that will let you visually manipulate, create, and define zones in a way that makes sense. This should help everybody make zones and better visualize exactly which block region a zone will contain. By left and right-clicking while pointing in a direction, you can expand and contract the walls of a zone and, once you have the region defined, you can confirm it. Once we have the tech made, we'll throw up a gif or YouTube video describing the new processes.

Go Forth!


Staff member
Claimable plots are coming soon. "ZoneTech" is a ways off, and may be pushed a bit in favor of more priority fixes.


Well-Known Member
Ah Crypt. This is gonna be a great addition! All these functional custom structures makes me happy :D