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liltache unban appeal

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New Member
Hello Loka players and Loka staff,Known as liltache, now as Bofurin.
Ban Reason: Cheating
History of my Ban: 08/05/23

Incident:Before this incident, I was banned because of a dupe incident in the town. I was one of the townowners, and I was punished for that ban. Honestly, I didn't know anything about dupinguntil I got banned. After the ban, I started a voice chat with other players who were banned in mytown, and we discussed about this incident. They apologized to me and explained what happened:

There was a dupe incident in my town, and I was unaware of it. They showed me videos andphotos of the dupe that day, and I learned that all the potions, pearls, etc., I used in my town wereduped. I have a long history in the game before joining Loka; I had quit the game longbefore starting on Loka. Most of my friends in that town were new to me. They helped me becomean owner in the town, build the town, and gather items. I didn't help with anything; I just came toplay as they wanted. Maybe if I had done some research, I would have noticed that duped itemswere being used in the town, but being on Loka, I didn't think that could happen. I have played onmany servers before and seen a lot of duping and cheating, but Loka was different, and I didn'tthink something like this could happen on such a server. Still, I apologize for not being aware ofwhat was happening in my town due to not researching it.

I left the game after this incident and didn't play Minecraft for a long time. Later, my friends toldme I could start playing again and that there was a chance my ban could be lifted. I appealed, andafter enough time had passed, Loka staff informed me that I could play again. When I logged in, Ifound that all my lore items, which I had earned through hard work, crafted items, and memorablelore items I had purchased, were gone. Along with me, some friends who were also banned butwere aware of the dupe incident still had some of their lore items in their ender chest. I thought Koi could help me, so I asked for assistance from Koi. Koi offered me lore items made by themselves as a gift and promised to look into why my lore items were deleted by checking the old logs. I requested at least one orb for my unfairly deleted lore items because they held significant value for me. Koi said they wanted to help, but since nine months had passed, they couldn't do much. I insisted a lot on this, and I apologize to Koi for being so insistent; I didn't mean to annoy you. Upon seeing that some lore items of friends who were also banned were present, I got even more upset. My frustration and not playing Minecraft for a long time led me to cheat, knowing that I would get banned. I was so angry that I thought I didn't want to play Loka anymore. I sincerely apologize to all of you for my actions, which were wrong and unjust. I only used cheats for one day, and I apologize deeply for my mistakes and injustices during that day.

Conclusion:I sincerely apologize to all of lokans and staff from heart. I apologize for any mistakes I havemade, intentionally or unintentionally, that may have upset any Loka players. When I was beingssed, I didn't cause any trouble, and after being banned, I deleted the game directlyand didn't play Minecraft for a long time. During this time, I formatted my computer four times,and now I have no banned programs or anything like that. I have truly realized my mistake, andalthough I have played on many servers and participated in tournaments, I had never joined aserver like Loka before. The system of Loka, especially the fact that it has been running for over10 years without a reset despite duping, shows the quality of its staff. Loka is truly special. Duringthis time, I stayed away from the computer for a long time and realized my mistake. Now I want toplay Loka again,showing that I have realized my mistake. I have never cheated in anygame or server before; this is the first time I have made this mistake, and I can assure you it won’t happen again. I hope you can see that I have realized my mistake and be able to forgive me. Thank you for taking the time to read this. I wish you all a good day.
I'm sorry for insisting on you Koi

Extra Information:
-I didn’t create or play with any alternate accounts.
-I did not offend any staff or do anything bad after I was banned.
-You can be sure that I haven't done anything outside the server that violates the loka rules.

Since my English is not good, I got help from ReapeR Thank you for helping
Please forgive me for my mistakes.
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Old One
Staff member
Old One
We are willing to give you a final chance and lift the ban in 8 weeks time. Please ensure you are familiar with our rules when you return.
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