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Loayal unban appeal

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Active Member
Posting this for loayal as he is banned on the forums.

Greetings Everyone, my name is Loayal

and it's possible that some of you may already be familiar with me, while others may not be
I would like to begin by offering my sincerest apologies for any instances where I may have insulted or harassed others.
Additionally, I understand that my actions have caused the staff team to spend valuable time and effort on banning my alternate accounts,

and I am deeply remorseful for this. I submitted an appeal on October 26th, 2022,
following my ban on August 22nd, 2021, which lasted a total of 549 days. The reason for my ban was due to bullying and harassment
and I take full responsibility for my actions, as known publicly, nobody's perfect, humans eventually tend to conceive different

problems or actions that lead to bigger mistakes, which is my case right now, i made a mistake and i have tremendous
regrets, as stated before, i take full responsibility for my actions, and wish you guys would find it in you to give me a second chance.


+1 u deserve a swcond chance bro, i didnt have the chance to play with u b4 ur ban, but ur a nice guy, i met u about 2 years ago, and i can say than u maybe made mistakes, but thats why always are second chances ;)!

I hope u can get unbaned mi amigo loayal!


Active Member
-1 still racist
you havent talked to loayal in like 4 months and the last time you have talked to him he already flipped the switch and stopped trolling. If you have proof of him being racist you should show it but I can guarantee you have none.
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