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Loka: A New Generation


Active Member
Loka: A New Generation

It was a curious thing to see, floating above the Three Sisters and the tower. The Artifact was an antiquated piece of hardware but far beyond their ability of comprehension at the same time. The glowstone at its center seemed to pulse like a living thing, a heart beating with each breath. The obsidian pieces that floated idly around it were the ethereal body of the device. It was like alien equipment from a future past. The irony of the thought was enough to drive anyone mad.

A searing heat was building in the air. The Artifact breathed deep before lightning struck from the activation of the Knife. More people… It seemed that the constant influx of the population was inescapable but as of late it was becoming more of an increase than vice versa. A loose strand of hair played at his periphery when he lowered his head in thought. Rarely was he not equipped and shrouded in armor but it felt improper to visit the Artifact as though he were marching into combat. It was a pleasant change to not feel the weight of the diamond infused armor.

The only problem is that he knew it would not last. Dragon’s Bane hung from his side. Even though he was not geared completely he would not travel without his blade. The weapon was an extension of himself, an appendage that became as much a part of him as any other limb. He took solace in its presence. The sword was as alive as the Artifact to him. Enjoy your time spent in solace, Aegon. It will last but a short moment.

There was something brewing, as the old saying went. A darkness was rising. It loomed over their world the same as a beast when it preys on its next meal. War was a way of life at this point and it was only getting worse. Will this life ever end? The questions was plausible and just another irony in Loka. The darkness that was hovering over them was inevitable. Perhaps though it was not a darkness but simply a change. A looming presence that shifted the perception of a light that was not gone but refracted.

His grip tightened on the hilt as he raised his head and looked skyward at the sound of another bolt reaching through time and space, thundering across the sky. He nodded with a slight smile. Yes, it is not darkness that shadows us...just change. The thought was a comfort but also reminded him of what that truly meant. Their world would not be the same as it used to be. Their world would no longer be that which they had grown accustomed to. It would be something different entirely. Loka’s denizens were not just of one origin anymore but an amalgamation of people from many different places. The knife had begun to draw people from many places and some had no idea how they had come to be on this plane of existence beneath the Artifact.

Asy….we came here to find you...but instead we struggle to keep hold of ourselves. He began to smile a little wider at how elaborate it had all become.

This was it. The Sixth Age. A new Loka. A new Generation.
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Active Member
I'm glad you really took away from that line what it was meant to imply. There's a lot to that statement.