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Loka Rules

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Old One
Staff member
Old One
1.4. Don't unnecessarily destroy, craft or consume other players items. You may steal but don't destroy chests and leave items to disappear or burn the items. Once the items are back at your home they are yours and you can do as you wish with them.


Staff member
13.7. An alt may not be used for PvP in any way whatsoever except to literally defend yourself if you're under attack.
13.8 An alt may not be used to keep a town active under any circumstances.


Staff member
13. No Alt Accounts
13.1. Alt accounts are not allowed on Loka for any reason except:
13.2 In the event of an RP event that has been approved by Admins, only then can approved Alts be allowed online.
Last edited:


Staff member
Alts are no longer allowed, except in 13.2 listed below:

13. No Alt Accounts

13.1. Alt accounts are not allowed on Loka for any reason except:
13.2 In the event of an RP event that has been approved by Admins, only then can approved Alts be allowed online.


Staff member
18. Conquest
18.1 Win trading is not allowed (Attacking 'friends' with the intent to lose to feed another town Strength).


Staff member
16.2. Please use English when talking public chat. We have a very diverse population, but the server is US (located in New York) and as such we ask that you speak English in Public Chats.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Updated blocks that can be stolen.

1.9. The following placed blocks may be stolen regardless of whether they make up part of a structure or a beacon: Iron blocks, gold blocks, lapis blocks, diamond blocks, emerald blocks, all ore blocks (except Coal Blocks), enchanting tables, anvils, brewing stands, juke box, rails, heads, banners, shulker boxes, items frames and the items inside them. Also ender chests providing you break with silk touch pick and don't destroy it. (However ender chests may be broken on a battleground)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Have made numerous changes and updates to the rules but the main thing to note is we have now fully banned mob farms.


15.2. Dragon eggs belong to their owner. If you place your Dragon Egg in your town and decide to leave said town, you may take your egg with you.

2.1. The exception here is Optifine, which is just fine.

2.2. Mini-maps cannot be used.

4.3. Do not log out to avoid damage or to access floors above you. (Don't log jump)

10.1. Don't try and blow up too much TNT at the same time.

12. Don't Block Nether Portals
12.1. Leave at least a gap of one block when blocking nether portals to prevent players getting stuck and not being able to /suicide.

16.1. Auto-kill Iron Golem and Pig Zombie farms are illegal and will be completely removed if left as auto-farms.


13.1. You cannot steal from your own town.

13.2. You cannot help a foreign player get in to or steal from your town.

13.3. You cannot use a member of a town to help you enter or steal from said town.

2.1. No mods can be used while on the server, regardless whether they give the player an in-game advantage or not. The exception to this is if rule 2.2. states otherwise.

2.2. Only the exact mods listed can be used: Optifine, Schematica (cannot use it's print function)

4.3. Don't attempt to glitch break blocks in protected areas in order to access chests etc.

15.1. Hostile mob farms of any description are not allowed.

17. Town Owners
17.1. A town owner technically has ownership over all items within it. (i.e impossible for them to steal from their own town)

17.2. A town owner may destroy or edit any build within their town.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Removed the following:

11. Don't PvP Log
11.1. Don't log out in an attempt to avoid PvP (either fleeing or to avoid an incoming fight) or prematurely terminate a fight in progress.

  • Admins will no longer judge Combat Logging, and that all combat logging is now handled by the system. In short, you either find/get to that player after they log or you don't. If you fail to find/kill them, regardless of situation, then too bad.
  • It's important to always try to remove things where admins have to judge things which can be seen as very subjective. This is one of those things. The mechanics of the new system are below:
  • Please visit the new Wiki Article on the topic: http://loka.wikia.com/wiki/Combat_Logging
  • This is likely subject to small changes in the future as we feel this out, but these aggressive new timers are meant to combat (lol) combat logging and reduce fight evasion/some town-raiding cheese.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Added hoppers to the raidable block list for rule 1.9.

1.9. The following placed blocks may be stolen regardless of whether they make up part of a structure or a beacon: Iron blocks, gold blocks, lapis blocks, diamond blocks, emerald blocks, all ore blocks (except Coal Blocks), enchanting tables, anvils, brewing stands, juke box, rails, heads, banners, shulker boxes, beacons, hoppers, items frames and the items inside them. Also, ender chests providing you break with silk touch pick and don't destroy it. (However, ender chests may be broken on a battleground)


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Some rules have been reordered and combined into the same overarching rule/category.

Removed the following:

10. Respect Admins
10.1. Don't ask an admin for a teleport.
10.2. Don't ask an admin to spawn in items, they can't spawn items, all players play legit.

Seemed unnecessary as a rule and just common sense.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
8.6. Do not maliciously use town permissions to the detriment of the town. (e.g. removing members, deleting zones etc.)

Moved from Misc to Town Betrayal:
8.7. A town owner technically has ownership over all items within it (i.e impossible for them to steal from their own town). They may destroy or edit any build within their town.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Just a quick update on the punishments for hacking on the server. If you are caught hacking during a conquest fight or log out while frozen after just fighting in conquest the standard punishment will be a straight permaban.

We don't have time to keep dealing with cheats, and it's important that everyone has trust in the system and fighting on a level playing field. Our hope is this will help deter more players from taking a chance and cheating. And those that do will no longer be able to come back to the server after a temp ban, taking up our time ensuring they do not repeat the offence. Please make sure those in your town/alliance that may not read the forums are made aware.

Hacking elsewhere on the server will still generally be dealt with more leniently, with a warning/temp ban for a first offence. But as always everything will be dealt with on a case by case basis.
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