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Loka Trading and Auctioning


New Member
I don't think I am as qualified (ranking) to be suggesting to improve this server yet, but I have a pragmatic suggestion.

So recently, I have been enchanting lots of books and tools, and since I ended receiving Sharpness III a LOT (50%), I thought it would be a good idea to sell some of these books. This experience made me think of ways to sell these books, and I think that being able to have community auctions at spawn would be an event that would gather lots of Loka members and also promote trade and "civilization." THis method of trading not only is civil, but also increases the trade pool because more members would participate due to a variety of items being sold.

The following is my method proposal:

Have an informal trade. This would work by an auctioneer (person selling their item) to announce the item, quantity, and starting bid. Once the highest bid is met, or when the auctioneer is satisfied with the bid, he/she can end the auctioning. Then, an admin (acting as a mediator) can collect the item and the bid money. Finally the admin can swap the auction.

The bid would usually be in emeralds, but in some cases can be other items (up to the auctioneer)

Thank You for giving your attention!
Loka Slicer
Have any of you seen Japanese car auctions?

A system like that would be awesome.
Yes zor, everybody would be demanding their turn, I think that the level below the spawn (portal) room would be a great location for the auctions, possibly even making a auction-like stadium, but that is up to the admins. There could be a stage where the auctioneer can display his/her item and then the bidding can begin!
Psychedelic98 said:
The best way to start this is just to go with it. I do think there should be a rule about bidding and not paying up though.

Just remember there is absolutely no stealing at spawn.
Well the first auctioning was a huge success. There were a few issues but I have a simple solution to them.

With the participation of around 15 buyers and sellers, we were able to manage to sell more than 15 items. With most the selling coming from Psy, he had brought up a valid point: to sell either in packages or individual items. Some items may be bundled for a more intriguing product, while it is convenient to buy one item at a time.

However, the first issue was that Psy did not want a mediator. We tried to get admin mediation, but there were none online! Also, other players were interfering with the dropping of trades. Some buyers would accidentally run into the dropped item or the dropped emeralds. I think this could be solved by creating a trading room, where the buyer and seller are exclusively able to hand over their share. The last issue was initial publicity. I think it would be great if console could publicize the auction. If we could get the credibility of the server, I am sure more people would be apt to join. Though I am operating this auctioning, it would be helpful for an Guardian + to be there as well, because Loka members follow and can trust the admins to deal the auction without stealing.

The attached picture is the first round of auctioning. Psy is on top, where the auctioneers took stage.


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Secure trading booths are very simple to make. I can hook up one or two if you like! Also, arrange in advance the date and time of the auction, so that a guardian can be around if possible however I would suggest that the trading booths might negate the necessity to strongly require a guardian+ admin to be around.
We didn't have any attempts at stealing, so I see no need for either of these. If this starts to become an issue, we can move it from spawn where it's a lot easier to counter stealing.
Agreed with adder, a simple piston-door type room in which both traders are alone will prevent the interception of trades. That or I could just install a trading addon, which essentially acts as a chest to both players that can be used as a non-dropped-item trade thingie.
I have created a prototype of the trading booth. Another issue I have not presented was chat spamming. I think it could be annoying for non traders to listen, so I think it would be great if we could make chat rooms, kind of like /ttoggle. The other suggestion is to make an actual auctioning room. The vacant level below could be a great location for the auctions. One wing (corner) of the level would be perfect for a stage.

For the auctions, it would be great if we could have:

Mediator (Guardian +)
Actual auctioning room with the following:
-ender chest
-trading booth
Auction Chat

Thank you for considering my suggestions!
This is the newly constructed Auction Center I made below the portal room in spawn. Thank you to all the admin support and Cryptite for the privilege for me to build for Loka!


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