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Loka Trading and Auctioning


New Member
I don't think I am as qualified (ranking) to be suggesting to improve this server yet, but I have a pragmatic suggestion.

So recently, I have been enchanting lots of books and tools, and since I ended receiving Sharpness III a LOT (50%), I thought it would be a good idea to sell some of these books. This experience made me think of ways to sell these books, and I think that being able to have community auctions at spawn would be an event that would gather lots of Loka members and also promote trade and "civilization." THis method of trading not only is civil, but also increases the trade pool because more members would participate due to a variety of items being sold.

The following is my method proposal:

Have an informal trade. This would work by an auctioneer (person selling their item) to announce the item, quantity, and starting bid. Once the highest bid is met, or when the auctioneer is satisfied with the bid, he/she can end the auctioning. Then, an admin (acting as a mediator) can collect the item and the bid money. Finally the admin can swap the auction.

The bid would usually be in emeralds, but in some cases can be other items (up to the auctioneer)

Thank You for giving your attention!
Loka Slicer
blessjung14 said:
Sorry about this random auction guys. Totally out of my control. Though there is a right to assemble and trade, it would be best to go on a scheduled time. It brings more people to the table to participate(trade and buy). If we had random auctions, there would be less participation, people could not anticipate, and people would be less likely to come to the scheduled auction.

Basically, follow the schedule y'all.
Might be an idea to make some kinda announcement thread for informing people of the next auctions
So I don't think I've ever attended a wednesday auction, but I hear there isn't much of a turnout. In light of this I would like to draw attention to Magpieman's suggestion of an auction at a different time. I think with 2 times of auctions we could cover a wider variety of players. The question is what time? I could host the auction if the best time is a time when bless can't show.
Bless this is kinda towards you.

If you choose to sell something u can't take something back if u don't get the amount u want. An auction is a game of non set chances. U can get more or less depends on who bidding. Posting something up for auction then saying naw not selling it shouldn't be allowed.

Opyc said:
Bless this is kinda towards you.

If you choose to sell something u can't take something back if u don't get the amount u want. An auction is a game of non set chances. U can get more or less depends on who bidding. Posting something up for auction then saying naw not selling it shouldn't be allowed.


This. Bless, there have been three times that I've wanted to buy something that you've posted. THREE. Each time, you've taken it back because no one wanted to bid higher than the minimum. I posted the minimum. Immediately after, you say "Looks like no one wants to buy," then you put it away.

You have no idea how ticked off I am because of this. I genuinely wanted to bid on those items. I'm sorry I yelled at you last night because of it, but I don't quite like being shafted in such a manner in the auctions as you have done.
An auction is simple enough, there shouldn't be stuff like this going on. If sentries or other admins are there, make sure you guys ensure that everyone in the auction is adhering to the rules.
Technically the only rules that apply to the auction are the spam and stealing at spawn rules, and it's my understanding that certain parts of the spam rule are lifted for the auctioneer(caps and mild repetition).
I would have thought standard auction rules such as actually giving someone the thing you're selling would apply...
Not worthy of strict punishment as much as a slap on the wrist really, but bans from auctions for not abiding with the rules might be good.
I'm in two minds here because I still love the backstabbing element we got here, and this embodies that perfectly.
mopb3 said:
I'm in two minds here because I still love the backstabbing element we got here, and this embodies that perfectly.

See, I don't like that. It's not fair to honest players who genuinely want to buy something and they're bidding for it fairly. It shouldn't be a problem that an auctioneer dangles a wanted item in someone's face, then pull it away at the last minute.
Just because there's a backstabbing element to the server doesn't mean every single thing about the server needs it. I think the auctions should be a neutral and fair system.