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Loka's Rules - Except It's More Exact and Updated (unofficial)


Well-Known Member
Below is a list of Loka's rules, written in a way more concise wording. Note that admins do not necessarily judge these rules to the letter. So with this in mind, consider these a set of stricter guidelines rather than the official rules thread, and there forth not a set-in-stone list of precise rulings.

1. No Griefing - Trololo
1.1. Don't destroy anything a player has built unless a rule states otherwise.
1.2. You may break another player's building to gain entry, providing minimum damage is caused.
1.3. Don't cause unnecessary damage to the landscape.
1.4. Don't unnecessarily destroy, craft, or consume other players' items found inside of towns. Unnecessarily destroying items anywhere else is allowed, even if it's a rude gesture. However, you may manipulate items as long as you keep all byproducts produced. For example, you can grind enchant books while raiding for the experience, but you must also take all the books. Once the items are outside of a foreign town, you may do whatever you please with them; i.e. you can burn/waste them all if you so please.
1.5. Don't destroy another player's redstone contraption(s). However, you can tear it apart for blocks like hoppers, dispensers, and observers.
1.6. You may not leave one-by-one block towers unless you remove them immediately after you escape/leave from said town. However, if you don't @koi0001 will just warn you and remove them himself if said tower(s) are reported.
1.7. Why does this rule still exist? You can't even trample any type of crop anymore.
1.8. Don't kill or release another player's animals or mobs as long said mob/animal is within a town.
1.9. The following placed blocks may be stolen regardless of whether they make up part of a structure or a beacon: Iron blocks, gold blocks, lapis blocks, diamond blocks, emerald blocks, all ore blocks (except Coal Blocks), enchanting tables, anvils, brewing stands, jukebox, rails, heads, banners, shulker boxes, beacons, hoppers, items frames and the items inside them. Also, ender chests are allowed to be broken as well, providing you break with them with a silk touch pickaxe and don't destroy them. (However, ender chests may be broken on a battleground) Note: Nobody has ever been punished for stealing coal blocks.
1.10. Don't change what people have written on signs or remove them.
1.11. Don't place inordinate amounts of blocks all over a build.
1.12. No TnT-based entry unless it is used to boost you up, and no blocks are broken.
1.13. No Piston-based entry, whether it is used to slime boost you up or to poke holes in a town's walls.
1.14. No Redstone-based airplanes, etc.
1.15. Settling a town over ruins or other structures, only to destroy said structures, is considered griefing.

Note: All blocks in the Redstone tab cannot be used to maneuver, manipulate, or move over a town's walls. The only exception to this is stationary (non-moving) slime blocks and TnT.

2. No Client Side Mods or Xray Resource Packs - Doomsday Users Suck
2.1. Only use mods on the approved client-side mods list. If you are not sure if a mod is allowed, simply ask for it to be approved in Mod Whitelist Suggestions before you use it.
2.2. No resource packs that make any blocks transparent that are not transparent in the default pack.
2.3. No Macros or auto clickers including, but not limited to, mouse modifications/features.
2.4. If you are suspected of using a mod not approved, a cheat, and/or macros, you will be frozen, and screen shared. Idiots who try to log out of a screen share will be banned for a month; permanently, if during a conquest fight.

3. Don't Abuse Bugs - Every Duper Ever
3.1. Don't abuse any bug, regardless if it is a bug in Minecraft or an exploit in a server feature. Report any bug found immediately using /report. Do not inform others about the bug or use it yourself. Staff aren't stupid; they have logs and do have access to town chat logs. The only bug allowed to be used is pearl-gates and pigs to allow players to pass through one-by-one holes in walls.
3.2. No block jumping in protected areas unless it's at a tournament.
3.3. Don't attempt to glitch-break blocks or open locked doors/gates in protected areas in order to access chests etc.
3.4. Don't use vehicles to pass through walls unless it's by riding a pig or other animal through a one-by-one hole in the wall.
3.5. Don't abuse transparent blocks such as TNT to x-ray.
3.6. Failure to report players who are abusing bugs or breaking rules will probably result in a permanent ban.

4. No Spamming Chat - Grow The Hell Up
All chat rules apply equally to our Discord Server.
4.1. Don't spam capitals.
4.2. Don't repeat the same thing more than once unless it's in a tournament chat zone and is an advertisement for a stall/booth.
4.3. Don't claim to be from Planet Minecraft. If you break this rule, it's just embarrassing, no one uses Planet Minecraft anymore.
4.4. Do partake in arguments.
4.5. Don't spam chat with death messages.
4.6. Don't spam players via /msg or /mail.
4.7. Don't spam chat with log-in messages.
4.8. Please use English when talking in public chat. The only exception is speaking Español, Türkçe, or Polski in their respective chat channels.

5. No Swearing or Offensive Behaviour - The Easiest Set Of Rules To Follow
All chat rules apply equally to our Discord Server.
5.1. Don't use any words in public or local chat that could be seen as offensive, as there are players of all age on Loka.
5.2. Hate speech, or any other kind of discrimination, isn't allowed in any other chat except town and alliance due to those channels not being monitored. However, if found to be excessive or offensive enough and is reported, staff will most likely permanently mute or ban you.
5.3. Do not purposefully agitate or disrupt the community by means of trolling, harassment, or sarcasm.
-The admin team is well-versed in Trolling, so don't push it. We know what trolling is, and we will not tolerate it. You can expect a nearly zero-tolerance policy on this.
5.4. Don't send offensive chats in /msg or /mail.
5.5. No skins found to be offensive or rude. Yes, this includes capes.
5.6. No builds found to be offensive or rude.
5.7. No usernames found to be offensive or rude.
5.8. No offensive/rude lored/named items. (this will result in the item being unlored and potentially a ban)
5.9. You may not discuss religious or political subjects.
5.10. We do not monitor town or alliance chat channels. We will only do this if bullying occurs.

Note: Don't argue with @Skuhoo in public chat; this will result in a three-day ban.

6. Don't Bully Other Players - Family Friendly Vibes Only
This rule applies anywhere, on any platform; not just on Loka. Loka brings players together, so we feel we have a responsibility to protect them outside of the server too. Click here if you want more info on the types of bullying. If you feel you are being bullied, please contact bat3415 or Magpieman.
6.1. Do not repeatedly kill the same person(s).
6.2. Do not camp in any tile, regardless if it is a town or territory, for 30 minutes or more. The only exception to this is in the End, Nether, Balak, Rivina, Zyre, Cove, and Resource Islands. However, @Broquu will kill you regardless of whether or not you have hit the 30-minute mark or not, so beware.
6.3. Ignore this line because it is literally impossible to break this rule.
6.4. Don't spoil films, TV shows, and games.
6.5. Don't Dox another player. This includes posting their name, a photo of them, identifiable information, etc. (This will result in a permanent ban!) This is the most loosely interpreted rule; however, dox threats are usually allowed, granted they are found to not be credible enough.

7. No Alt Accounts - Bruh
7.1. Alt accounts are not allowed on Loka for any reason unless a rule states otherwise.
7.2. In the event of an RP event that has been approved by Admins, only then can approved Alts be allowed online.
7.3. You cannot log onto another person's account or allow them to log onto yours. (This will result in a minimum 1-month ban.)
7.4. You cannot knowingly assist or interact with players who are ban-evading or logging in on alts. You must also report them immediately, or you will be punished as well.

8. Don't Betray Your Town - All Towns Are Dictatorships, Regardless Of What The Owner Says
8.1. Owners own all items within a town. They don't need permission to troll, destroy, or steal a town member's items.
8.2. You cannot help a foreign player steal, get in or out of your town, or escape your town unless the town owner permits you.
8.3. You cannot have a member of a town help you enter and/or steal from a town unless the town owner permits you.
8.4. You cannot raid or PvP in a town that you have left unless two weeks have passed since leaving. Also, you cannot create or destroy a pathway within a town to raid said town you have left. If you are aware of an entrance that can be exploited by raiders, you must patch it immediately. However, in the event that you cannot patch it and you leave the town, you can only exploit it if you have made the town Owner aware of this entrance and they have neglected to take care of it in a reasonable timeframe.
8.5. You cannot raid a town in which you were made a temporary builder.
8.6. Do not maliciously use town permissions to the detriment of the town. (e.g. removing members, deleting zones, etc.)
8.7. A town owner technically has ownership over all items within it (i.e. it is impossible for them to steal from their own town.) They may also destroy and/or edit any build within their own town.

9. No Advertising Other Servers - EldritchPlots Is The Only Exception
9.1. Don't ask other players to join a server or write a server IP in public chat.

10. Do Not Lag The Server - Arrows ARE Entities
10.1. Any lag machines, redstone contraptions, or overly large concentrations of animals, mobs, and/or entities may be removed if found. If found violating this rule, you will be casually made aware that it is not allowed and to stop/remove concentration or contraption. If you do not heed this casual warning, you will receive a ban depending on how detrimental of an impact it had.

11. No Win Trading - You Suck At PvP
11.1. Win trading in conquest is not allowed. This includes but is not limited to starting a battle with no attempt or intention of winning. However, you may ask towns to place to have a legit battle for fun.
11.2. Fixing the result of a ranked arena match or intentionally losing a match will result in a one-month ban, a permanent ban from all future ranked battles/seasons, and all arena titles/cosmetics earned will be removed.

12. Misc - We Were Too Lazy To Name This Category
12.1. Hostile mob farms of any type/description are not permitted.
12.2. No auto-fishers aren't allowed.
12.3. Only rideable animals ridden into PvP or used in the raiding of a town may be killed or stolen. Rideable that are not named can be stolen at any time. Otherwise, named and rideable animals not used in PvP or raiding cannot be taken or killed.
12.4. Help/intro chat is only to be used to greet and help new players. (Can't use it to recruit for your town etc.)

13. Admins Only (Guardians and above) - Admin Abuse
13.1 Admins are allowed to participate in PvP, but they must not raid or help others raid a town. They are not allowed to use any admin powers, whether that be to help raiders raid, or to tell town Owners how said town was raided.

14. Festivals Only - Kill Joys
14.1. You cannot steal items inside a festival zone. This will result in a ban.
14.2. Only allowed clients/mods from the approved client-side mods list may be used in a tournament. You shall receive a permanent ban if avoiding a screen share during a festival tournament. No, anti-virus will not cause your PC/Laptop to bluescreen when AnyDesk or Paladin is used.
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