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No Plans to Implement Longer Day-Night Cycle


New Member
The base games day-night cycle is incredibly short. Making it longer, but not quite realistic would be a cool added effect to the server. It could also be an interesting way to use the time of day to your advantage when raiding and attacking others (doing it during the day to avoid mobs or at night to force the enemy to fight mobs as well) Not sure if there is a plugin for this but I know that it is possible with command blocks.


Active Member
-1 mobs are easy enough that they're not going to affect raiding, and most of the towns that are worth raiding have earned the mobspawning perk anyway.
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New Member
Just one problem....
Aging in the brewing plugin is one of, if not the MOST, time consuming thing it has.
One year of aging is one Minecraft day/night cycle. By making the day/night cycle longer either the dev's will have to edit the plugin to make it reasonable for the amount of time it takes, Or allow brewing to take actual hours to age 1 year. This would not be very good, you can see. So, sorry, but even though this is a COOL IDEA... Brewing, which is something a lot of people, including myself, LOVE, would not be compatible with it with Brewery at its current state.


Staff member
This isn't really something we're considering. The day/night cycle is pretty universal in Minecraft and we don't have anything on Loka that really warrants changing it at this time.


Old One
Staff member
Old One
It is a cool thought though, still a good suggestion even though we don't have any plans to implement it atm.