Hello, and welcome fellow members of Loka!
Its finally up once again, The safe and secure home of sheep called Lottaine's Sheep Farm.
I'm so proud to say that all our sheep are well kept in pens that are big enough for each and every sheep to be happy, healthy, and free to roam and wonder.
Our 1400 sheep are finally ready to sell their mass quantities of wool. Yes that's right, Lottaine has amazing amounts of wool to sell, and at a very low cost. Within two to three days, you can have yourself as much wool you will ever need, for any project. With a price tag of best offers/trades/and even free wool, you can never go wrong with the product of Lottaines sheep farm!
100% satisfaction guaranteed!
Contact through comments, or on game.
Its finally up once again, The safe and secure home of sheep called Lottaine's Sheep Farm.
I'm so proud to say that all our sheep are well kept in pens that are big enough for each and every sheep to be happy, healthy, and free to roam and wonder.
Our 1400 sheep are finally ready to sell their mass quantities of wool. Yes that's right, Lottaine has amazing amounts of wool to sell, and at a very low cost. Within two to three days, you can have yourself as much wool you will ever need, for any project. With a price tag of best offers/trades/and even free wool, you can never go wrong with the product of Lottaines sheep farm!
100% satisfaction guaranteed!
Contact through comments, or on game.