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-Red Dead Redemption was pretty much one of the first games I ever played on the 360. So when RDR2 came out you know I played the hell out of it.
-Majora's Mask is my all time favorite Legend of Zelda game by FAR, with all the creepy details and the twist of you having only 3 days, It's pretty grand.
-CS:GO is a very fun game, the community though is a yikes.
-EU4/HOI4/Vic2 I'm grouping together for this one. These are the good Paradox games IMO and I suggest you give them a try.
-Minecraft is yes
-New Vegas is the best fallout game in terms of story but I like all the Fallout games (except 76).
-Kingergarten was an Indie game I picked up for $5 back in like 2017. Was a super fun, super brutal puzzle game that got semi-popular on youtube due to shock-factor.
-Stardew Valley is great, a remix of sorts to Harvest Moon, but done correctly and with the new update that came out I appear to have restarted it in the past few weeks.
-Fifa is an uncared for EA game, honestly It's just the same thing every year with updated players and kits, but for some reason I like to do a career mode every once in a while

Honorable Mentions: Include
Assassin's Creed: The first game not rated E I ever played on my Uncle's original Xbox.
Skyrim: Which despite buggy, has so much lore to it I've got to respect it.
Mario Kart 64: As a child I loved this game and I used to play my dad in it all the time, this was around like 4-6
Super Smash Brothers: Another game I played on the 64 growing up, I'd play this if friend's came over or if I wanted to play Story Mode
Goldeneye 007: I was never able to beat this as a kid, but I beat it recently and felt proud of myself, also had this game growing up
Blitz 2001: First sports game I ever played, loved playing this against anyone I could
Mario Maker: The original, and for the nostalgia factor, since it was my first game on the Wii and I used to play it with my friend's all the time when I was around 9-10
Black Ops 2: Would play bots when friends came over, campaign was also pretty nice
Overwatch: Don't play often but when I do I'm pretty good at it, it's a fun game
Pokemon X: Played the hell out of this one, remember I'd shove a dime in my 3ds joystick just to hatch eggs.
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