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Suggestion Market Town Levels

Ron has spoken. :3

I'm in agreement. I think this could be a nice contribution to the levels though it would kind of discourage people from using the market.

If I was more sure people checked the market very often I might use it. Feels like it's seldom used but that's probably because no one in my town has ever sold anything on the market XD
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Orrr.... Make it easyer to level - Easyer to get it to level 50 for having the industry in town (linked replica to spawn market)

Add xp from buying too.
Orrr.... Make it easyer to level - Easyer to get it to level 50 for having the industry in town (linked replica to spawn market)
Hmm.. What if we get Marketing to level 50 and we get to construct our own replica of the spawn market. Have it in our town and whenever something is on sale, we can buy it from our town. That would also help by having our own Escrow Chest.
Add xp from buying too.
That would be nice. How much xp you talking?
I think the problem with the Market is just that almost nobody uses it for its actual intended purpose. Most people just use it because they know they have to to get their Marketing level up. I'd rather come up with some ideas on how to get people to use the Market before solving the Marketing level issue.

Perhaps the problem is inherently Minecraft, in that 90% of everything is easily made by... everybody. I'm not sure why this revelation comes to me so late, since everybody's been asking for it, but yeah, I see the problem now as I write this. Perhaps it's my coffee hitting me... Loka is a pretty end-game based server. Much of our uniqueness lies in our endgame. The endgame is what separates the players the most on this server. Endgame is why people want to be able to sell enchanted books, diamond armor, stuff like that on the Market. Everybody can make their own food; mine their own blocks, etc; but not everybody has god armor or high end enchanting books. Some players might find spending their early-game wealth on buying enchanted diamond armor helpful...

I'll have a discussion with ye olde admins and see about opening up the Market to that stuff.
Endgame is why people want to be able to sell enchanted books, diamond armor, stuff like that on the Market. Everybody can make their own food; mine their own blocks, etc; but not everybody has god armor or high end enchanting books.
We want that! If we can have that and get the word around.. We might have more people go to the market. Not everyone has access to the Black Market..
We want that! If we can have that and get the word around.. We might have more people go to the market. Not everyone has access to the Black Market..
no one has access to the black market until it is chosen as a policy by the capital. I do think that unlocking the market to also contain End game items would be a great addition.
I also believe that villagers could have a place somewhere in the town lvling system. I had suggested something similar to having villagers effect the market lvl before verbally and it was shot down so I was working on a suggestion to post on the forums for an alternative.
I was going to suggest we have a villager trading aspect to town lvling. I.E add a villager trade lvl to the town lvling and once you hit lvl 50 you would be able to unlock a villager trade depot to give you perks associated only with villagers. Possible perks could be along the lines of: villagers take no damage in the depot, villagers would not lock trades in the depot, or have a master villager in the depot( what ever trades you unlocked through villagers in your town unlocks or trades that you trade with villagers in the depot unlocks for him as well.). This would allow for towns to keep their best trades organized and keep them from losing their best trades due to friendly fire.
Anything involving Villagers will have to be on hold until 1.8 comes out; given how vastly different it'll be then. We'll have to push that conversation until then since anything we come up with now will be instantly obsolete or problematic if we updated.
Anything involving Villagers will have to be on hold until 1.8 comes out; given how vastly different it'll be then. We'll have to push that conversation until then since anything we come up with now will be instantly obsolete or problematic if we updated.
well as long as current villager trades remain when we roll over to 1.8 then I have no issues in waiting.
well as long as current villager trades remain when we roll over to 1.8 then I have no issues in waiting.

I have no control over that. Whatever happens to villagers when we switch to 1.8 is up to however Minecraft/Sponge handles it. This is my official "I'm not responsible for any lost villager trades, etc" statement.
lol unfortunately that is an uncertainty that worries me with all the emeralds I put into my villagers. I think I have put more into my villagers and stuff given to people then I have my own gen.
Edit: of course there is no changing unforeseen new game mechanics that comes with 1.8. Just means it is time to start stocking up a "just in case" stash.
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One of my troubles is I literally just don't like having to go to spawn for the market but that is largely a personal preference.

Also, Crypt is right. No one finds it necessary to buy most things until they are in critical need for a project. Unless things can sit in the market until someone has that need, no one is going to buy. Even then, take for instance when I finally decided to buy what I needed. I obtained eight double chests of smooth stone from Opyc. No one but new players will be in the market to buy one or two stacks of anything.

Also, it is my personal belief that we should be able to buy and sell (from our personal stores) valuable ore. I'd sell diamonds for gold all day.
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Part of the original reasoning behind not allowing sales of ores/gear/tools, etc was in case the Market bugged and people could dupe items (how about that). I'm fairly confident we've ironed all those out; so maybe we can safely do that and not worry about people generating infinite diamonds... Hopefully...
I'm fairly confident we've ironed all those out; so maybe we can safely do that and not worry about people generating infinite diamonds... Hopefully...
We might not have to worry much about duping ,however, I had reported losing items in the market to you and that would be my biggest concern at this point. If a player places several stacks of gold to sell and half of them are deleted without recording anything on your records, then that would be a big loss for that player.
Edit: Not to mention how enchantments were stripped off of items when they were placed to be sold in the black market.
If you could get to level 50 market without having to sell a dozen chests of diamonds in materials that would be a good step.
I think he'd rather make the market more functional than having everyone focus on it as just another thing to level. That's where I'm at, anyway. I want to be able to see some commerce instead of people just trying to grind out levels.