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Mindblaster007's Appeal

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Well-Known Member
In-game name: mindblaster007

Ban length: Permanent

Why were you banned? Creating unnecessary lag in Omega with Arrows despite being warned.

Note: I took my time to make this appeal not a sign of guilt, but so I could have a nice, smooth appeal, with evidence and hard proof.

Media Fire Link (Includes Word Document, Text File, and Screenshots): http://www.mediafire.com/file/ymvhwo4yfmmiik0/LokaMC_Appeal.zip/file

Why should your punishment be reconsidered?

Hello Citizens of LokaMC,

I would like to start off by saying that I decided to wait a while to write this appeal so everything could calm down. Honestly, if I made this appeal right after my ban it would be sloppy and would come out a bit hostile. I needed this time to clear my head, set back, think, and gather evidence. The last thing I want is this thread to get out of hand. I would also like to mention that I can completely understand if the Admins don’t think I’m telling the truth. I’m not going to cover up the fact that I’ve given the Admins the run-around in the past. Cryptite told me, a while after my last ban, that “…Redemption is a better arc when you realize where you've come from. It's worth noting some of our admins have had bans in the past, so we know people can change. Just do what you want to do, and move on. Don't worry about your history on the server, just consider your future. The more you try to erase your past, the more other people are likely to dredge it up anyway.”. I really took this to heart and thought long and hard on it. Since then, I promised myself that I wouldn’t try to cover up my past and make excuses for it. Like he said, I decided I was going to focus on my future. I decided that if I wanted to change people’s opinions of me, I had to do so through my actions. Since then, I’ve been doing huge-scale, group projects with my fellow town members, and by myself, helping the new people that joined my town to understand LokaMC, and helping players out when they needed it. In a sense, I wanted to be a beacon of hope for banned players. I wanted to be an example to show that people can change and grow from their bad and good experiences alike. So far, I think I’ve done a good job cleaning up my act and doing just that. I’ve realized that some people have seen that I’ve changed, and it motivates me to continue and try to better myself. This is the longest I’ve gone without ban in a while and there is no way I would throw all this progress away. When I was last banned, some of the people I called friends cut me off and that was a real wake-up call. I don’t want to throw all this work away, and I will continue to better myself whether I’m on LokaMC, or not. At the end of the day, I have nothing to hide and I know that I did not intend for any form of lag to be created, and in knowing this I’m able to keep my head high.

With saying that, I will describe what happened in depth. The day before my ban, at approximately 12:00 PM (EST), I was in the town of Omega with the intent to find a way to kill TI1TED (as I have failed past.) TI1TED was AFK when I got there, and he remained so for quite a while. I was trying to think of different ways to kill him, when I came up with an idea. From previous trips to his town, I realized that their storage was underground. To get back up to the surface, town members went through a water elevator which led directly to the surface. I was trying to come up with a way to kill him when I thought that maybe I could shoot an arrow, which would float on the surface of the water for a while before it despawned. I thought that if I had enough arrows in there, and enough hit him it would be fatal enough to kill him. I shot around 50 arrows that successfully floated in the water. However, when TI1TED came up to the top through the elevator he didn’t die. I also realized that he had a little bit of knockback from the arrow. I thought that the knockback from the arrow prevented him from hitting any of the other arrows. I would also like to mention that it was impossible for me to know how much damage he took. While I was doing all this, DeceitfulPear was watching because “I like watching raids”. At this time, I’m going to input this Imgur Link. In those screenshots, DeceitfulPear and I have a friendly conversation about what the arrows were for. After that conversation, the only contact I had with him was a /msg, which said, “aye you there?”. Later, when I was confronted about what happened on that day, DeceitfulPear mentioned that he had warned me the day before. As you can see, from the screenshots provided, he gave me a friendly tip of advice. He said, “Should probably be careful tho cuz if it gets too laggy could be presumed you were trying to make a lag machine”. There is in no way that this could’ve been an official warning. If it was a warning it would’ve been issued on the server and been told clearly that it was a warning. Not to mention that he didn’t even use the word ‘warning’ or ‘warn’ once. If that was an official warning, wouldn’t it say something along the lines of “Please refrain from shooting arrows into water elevators again. Next time you will be banned.”?

Now, I’m going to explain what happened on Thursday, the 2nd. I did the same as yesterday and went to his town hoping to have a shot at killing him. I had come up with a way, that theoretically should’ve worked, to kill TI1TED. I figured that if I was to fire arrows in different angles around the elevator, the knockback would cause him to hit other arrows. As I stated earlier, I had no clue how much damage he had taken. So, I decided to double the number of arrows and changed the angle they were shot from; 25 arrows facing each direction (North, South, East, West). From there I waited for TI1TED, or any other Omega Member, to get on to fall into my trap. The thing is, I did this multiple times and the total arrow count was a whopping 400 arrows. The only reason why it got this out of hand, was because I was acting on the belief that the arrows would despawn like the normally do if stuck on a block. I’ve just finished testing how this happened and how the count could reach 400. I found the solution to this mystery, which was, when arrows are shot through lava or water the arrow is treated as if it was still “in air”. What this means is, the game processes it as still flying through air because it hadn’t hit a solid block, or player. Only when an arrow hits a solid block, or player, will it’s despawn timer start counting down. I had no clue it would be treated as such until testing it myself. This all can be done in a Singleplayer World, if anyone doesn’t believe me. Some may be wondering, “Wasn’t the lag a clear indicator that you were creating lag?”. My response to that is at the time of arrival, to the time I was banned I was able to keep a stable 60-70 FPS, I even tried typing “lag” to see how long it would take, which had no delay from the time I pressed enter, to the time it should up in chat. While playing on LokaMC, I use Optifine, which allows me to set max my FPS to 70 FPS. Because of that I had no clue that if it was set to max, it would’ve dropped. When TI1TED came on, he went up the water elevator, which didn’t kill him. He then disconnected and his NPC remained which I killed. About four to five minutes later, people that were in his tile were complaining about the lag in public chat. When this happened, it felt like a slap to the face. I didn’t think it would be lag because my FPS remained stable. I felt guilty knowing that TI1TED didn’t stand a chance because not everyone’s computer or laptop could handle the entities. I made it as clear as possible that I had no intention of creating a lag machine and that I just tried to make a trap to kill him. I also have a screenshot from the logs that show my intent was to kill him with the water elevator.

Again, I would like to reiterate that this was an honest mistake. I truly meant no harm in my actions, let alone break a rule. In the future, I will take steps to make sure that something like this will never happen again. I will monitor my FPS better and I will take into deep consideration that others’ computers may not be able to handle what mine does. I had no intention of breaking any rule in what I was doing, and this will never happen again.

With all this being said, I wish that the Admins, and staff team, can see that I had no intent to cause the lag and hence break server rules. I hope that my ban is lifted and if not, at least brought down to a temporary ban because I had no intent to cause server lag.

Good Day and Stay Healthy,



Active Member
Seeing as whenever you get mad, you like to make fake rules up, such as the one where you said "people can't stay in dead towns for more than 30 mins" and also that you have been given a final chance at an unban according to Mag and the staff team (http://lokamc.com/forums/index.php?threads/mindblasters-redemption-request.4253/post-36510). Technically speaking your ban for the inappropriate name should've been your last chance, but they gave you one more chance You have also been bullying tons of players, calling them names, being disrespectful on their personal preferences, and their own choices, I think your ban is justified. You should know the rules of Loka, and start listening to them. -1 for me.


Active Member
You have broken rule after rule, and then continued to try to lie your way out of your mistakes. Whether it was twisting up the rules to make it look like you did nothing, to accusing people of things that they never did, just because you didn't like them. You have had so many chances, you should count yourself lucky that the admins were so forgiving towards you. They gave you the chance to redeem yourself, and you came back and acted twice as bad. What's worse is that you still think that what you actually got better.. You most certainly get a -1 from me.


Active Member
Since I invited him to terra I've never heard anything bad from him, And I don't think he is the sort of person who would want to harm the server. I don't know what he was like before his previous bans, so there's no 'past' for me to judge him on. Because of this, I can say, without doubt, +1.

Your previous behavioral reputation
I thought an appeal of all things is about overlooking what has happened in the past and focusing on how people are in the present. It is almost as if you haven't even read the appeal itself, especially considering the ban isn't really about behaviour.

Seeing as whenever you get mad, you like to make fake rules up
From the post, I think it's clear that mindblaster made himself very familiar with the rules. Again, your response seems to be based on past events, or your preconceptions about him. And I've never known him to act in the way you described towards people.

You have broken rule after rule, and then continued to try to lie your way out of your mistakes. Whether it was twisting up the rules to make it look like you did nothing, to accusing people of things that they never did, just because you didn't like them. You have had so many chances, you should count yourself lucky that the admins were so forgiving towards you. They gave you the chance to redeem yourself, and you came back and acted twice as bad. What's worse is that you still think that what you actually got better.. You most certainly get a -1 from me.

My points from earlier still stand: Mind knew what he was talking about when it came to lokan rules, and I'm sure he's changed since you first knew him. Also, making apparently false accusations without specific facts or evidence doesn't help us resolve the situation.
What mindblaster has shown is that his behaviour has definitely improved over the years, and he was banned after making an honest mistake. Of course, if he is unbanned, someone in the future may see this and pretend to cover up their own offences by providing a similar case to mind's, so I'm not saying he shouldn't receive any punishment. But the fact is that he did nothing deliberate, and should be treated accordingly.
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Well-Known Member
“Should probably be careful tho cuz if it gets too laggy could be presumed you were trying to make a lag machine”. There is in no way that this could’ve been an official warning. If it was a warning it would’ve been issued on the server and been told clearly that it was a warning. Not to mention that he didn’t even use the word ‘warning’ or ‘warn’ once. If that was an official warning, wouldn’t it say something along the lines of “Please refrain from shooting arrows into water elevators again. Next time you will be banned.”?
Pretty sure "be careful" is a warning and he did explain that what you were doing could be seen as a lag machine.


Well-Known Member
Pretty sure "be careful" is a warning and he did explain that what you were doing could be seen as a lag machine.

When I first found you like that it was somewhere of 50+ entities you created. The next morning you did 5 time more. In fact the only reason you weren't banned outright at the start was because I gave you the benefit of the doubt when Crypt was thinking from the start it was for lag. Granted, that's also what I assumed which is why I messaged you in that way: to see if you'd outright admit you were trying to lag him out. Now since you said it was a trap and that was an avenue I was willing to believe once I gave you that friendly "be careful" warning. Perhaps I should've been more clear but I didn't expect the response to being given a friendly warning from a guardian about something to be "Hm, let me do it 5 times worse!"

You have a history of conveniently forgetting or misunderstanding rules/warnings and while unbans mean we forgive, we never forget.

he was banned after making an honest mistake . . . I'm not saying he shouldn't receive a no punishment.
The first time I let myself believe it was a mistake. Second time we decided it wasn't. Also he has been living on a last chance since his last unban: any punishment outside a small warning was always going to be banishment back to the shadow realm.

So thank you for your support.


Well-Known Member
I thought an appeal of all things is about overlooking what has happened in the past and focusing on how people are in the present. It is almost as if you haven't even read the appeal itself, especially considering the ban isn't really about behaviour.

I did actually read the appeal. Also yes, in fact, you are correct in some aspect, in regards to the appeal process. Since we are being technical, from what you said (in regard to my statement), that is your interpretation of an appeal but I don't think it is fair to say it is everyone's (not saying that is what you did but it is certainly implied). This situation, although unfortunate for him, seems to be the right call from my viewpoint on what the administrators did. He has a history, nothing can prove that wrong. In cases where someone who already has a negative rap with admins and files for an appeal their negative history kind of does not help their case. Does it have relevance to this case? Not so much, but it certainly accounts into question when an appeal is processed on if they should be brought back.

Not to mention he did just get unbanned and had one strike left, and he blew it solo :maggers::thonk:


When I first found you like that it was somewhere of 50+ entities you created. The next morning you did 5 time more. In fact the only reason you weren't banned outright at the start was because I gave you the benefit of the doubt when Crypt was thinking from the start it was for lag. Granted, that's also what I assumed which is why I messaged you in that way: to see if you'd outright admit you were trying to lag him out. Now since you said it was a trap and that was an avenue I was willing to believe once I gave you that friendly "be careful" warning. Perhaps I should've been more clear but I didn't expect the response to being given a friendly warning from a guardian about something to be "Hm, let me do it 5 times worse!"

You have a history of conveniently forgetting or misunderstanding rules/warnings and while unbans mean we forgive, we never forget.

The first time I let myself believe it was a mistake. Second time we decided it wasn't. Also he has been living on a last chance since his last unban: any punishment outside a small warning was always going to be banishment back to the shadow realm.

So thank you for your support.

F.A.C.T.S. :opyc: +1


Well-Known Member
"Hm, let me do it 5 times worse!"
It was supposed to be 2x... not 5. As I stated arrows don't despawn as they should. It was an honest mistake.
Also he has been living on a last chance since his last unban: any punishment outside a small warning was always going to be banishment back to the shadow realm.
Exactly why I had no intention of breaking a rule. I'm not straight-up stupid, I've learned from my mistakes and cleaned up my act, anybody can see that if they actually look. According to the forums appeals, I'm the first person to have ever been banned for this. I wouldn't be stupid enough to purposely break such an easy rule to follow. I'm sick of people thinking every action I do is illegal and has malicious intent behind it. I can't stress enough, this was a complete mistake with no intent for lag.
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Well-Known Member
In a normal case sure it was an honest mistake and you can be given a second chance. The difference here is you've been given multiple chances and were on your final straw. You've been given that last chance and should've been super careful about things, while an honest mistake someone in your position should've researched this beforehand and been more careful. You were told by a guardian to be careful then went and amped up your acts.
You can break rules without intending to do so and negligence isn't an excuse when you've already been given chance after chance. -1


Well-Known Member
you were trying to lag him out
If that is true, why wouldn't I have killed him sooner than I did? He came up the waterfall, moved around for a minute. After that, he stood in the same spot for two minutes before logging out. Anybody who was trying to do what you claim would've attacked him as soon as possible, not wait two to three minutes before killing him. I recorded the entire thing because I was going to upload the video if the waterfall trap worked. The video is even labeled as "Waterfall Trap V1.2".


Active Member
If that is true, why wouldn't I have killed him sooner than I did? He came up the waterfall, moved around for a minute. After that, he stood in the same spot for two minutes before logging out. Anybody who was trying to do what you claim would've attacked him as soon as possible, not wait two to three minutes before killing him. I recorded the entire thing because I was going to upload the video if the waterfall trap worked. The video is even labeled as "Waterfall Trap V1.2".
you've been given chances, yet still fail to prove you are worthy. sorry bro you're outta luck.


New Member
I haven't know mindblaster for long but he has always been so nice to me and I'm really gonna miss him. I hope be gets another chance. Personally I don't think he's done anything wrong, he was unaware of what happened next and as from his reply he is very sorry. I really hope the admins can rethink there decision and focus on the real problems on the server. It's a +1 from me because I will truly miss you, Mindblaster007.


Well-Known Member
I feel like I need to reiterate. This is a ban appeal to change a Permanent Ban into a Long Temporary Ban. Once again, I’m not hiding the fact that what I did broke a rule, it’s clear as day that I did. I’m also not covering up the fact that this was supposed to be my last ban. However, I’ve been quite clear that my intentions were to kill him with the water elevator, and not to lag him out; my intentions were pure in heart. I’m not asking for this to be forgotten and with no punishment.

In reality, this is a really minor offense to be permanently banned over. Someone has already mentioned this in his response. However, he said I was using negligence as an excuse; I’m not, I think there should be a punishment, just not a permanent one. If I had no other offenses this probably would be a temporary ban. As DeceitfulPear did state, my past offenses were forgiven, however, not forgotten. The only reason this isn’t a temporary ban is due to those past offenses; which were forgiven. To support what I’m saying, I’ve read through every appeal on the Forums. With doing so I’ve realized that nobody has had the need to appeal to what I’ve been banned for. This tells me two things, either nobody has been banned for what I am banned for, or that if someone has been banned for such, they felt no need to appeal; probably because it was a temporary ban. Again, I’m not looking for the Admins to turn their heads and look the other way on this; I’m asking the Admins to realize that I have put effort into changing, have changed, and I am continuing to do so, within Loka and outside of Loka.

At this time, I want to apologize to DeceitfulPear. I realize that I targeted you in the appeal, and it looks like it ticked you off a bit. I didn’t mean to make you mad; I simply would’ve liked you to have made it more obvious that it was a warning. The last thing I would’ve thought was that you trying to warn me not to do it again. From past instances, it’s quite clear I can’t comprehend stuff unless it’s clear as day.

It’s been a while since I’ve been banned, almost a year and a half now. I’ve kept clean and changed my ways, which people can see. If what people say is true and I’ve bullied players, why was I not punished for doing so? Why can they not come up with any proof?

Now, I will state some examples of such change. First, this is by far the longest I've gone without a ban or mute, throughout my time on Loka. Even people who were against my last unban feel like I've changed. Yes, I get a little ticked sometimes and say stuff in chat. However, I used to be cussing up and down in chat when I was angry. I haven’t even been warned for chat related offenses since my unban. I’ve had to deal with being targeted, bullied, and semi-harassed. I've reported this and expressed myself, and it continues. It takes a lot of effort to keep my cool, yet I’ve managed to do it. I'm treated like I'm a bad guy cause of my past and I'm sick of it. People change, grow up, and learn from their mistakes. Ever since my last unban I’ve tried to get people to realize this. There are people on Loka who need to realize this before they write a response on appeals. Someone I’ve never even had a conversation with, out of my entire time on Loka, is talking about my attitude and my past on Loka, just like they know me firsthand. Another who has replied to this appeal even went as far as referring to me as “that… thing”, as well as sending me a few harassing messages, immediately after my ban; those messages were about how Loka will be a better place without me, how much I’m hated, and teasing me about what happened. Staying calm in those situations shows just how much I’ve changed.

I’ve been talking to my friends, new and old, on this server and they agree that because I’ve cleaned up my act, the permanent ban seems over the top. Like I said before, I’m not looking for the Admins to turn their heads and look the other way; I’m asking for leniency because of my changes, which I’ve proved above, and that I meant for no lag to be created.
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