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Minecarft 1.8 and Old World Named Animals


Well-Known Member
To save everyone's and forum topics i am putting these suggestions/concerns in one topic.

#1: Will we be getting our named animals back or will we just get redeemed for the name tags.

#2: Can we add a 1.8 Minecrfat slime block trampoline in the new spawn tower as although the new spiral staircase is nice to look at, its the pits to climb, especially when you are drunk. I kept falling through the holes and the uneavn texture make for a inefficient climb.

#3: Out of curiosity will we have another world change due to the new block types being added in 1.8 (granite, doirite, and another starting with A). I highly doubt it considering what has portrayed the last 2 world changes but im just saying, they spawn in veins underground and it would be a hassle exploring out to find these new blocks.


Active Member
#2: a slime trampoline at the base of spawn won't help anything. You only bounce a few blocks high unless you fall from a good distance. It's actually impressive how they coded that to factor in the fall, but yeah. It's not like you'll be able to jump on slime blocks and bounce straight to the top.

#3: this is a good point. I wonder what alternatives we have for this kind of thing. I don't suppose there could be a mining world that gets wiped annually or for new updates like this? Maybe this could solve the raiding problems if the rules in the mining world slightly differed?


Well-Known Member
#3: Out of curiosity will we have another world change due to the new block types being added in 1.8 (granite, doirite, and another starting with A). I highly doubt it considering what has portrayed the last 2 world changes but im just saying, they spawn in veins underground and it would be a hassle exploring out to find these new blocks.

This is an easier problem to address than in the past. These new stone types blend seamlessly with current seeds so all that has to be done is a small expansion of the world. There won't be any version borders (at least as of now). Or, a certain amount of land that's already been rendered can be re-rendered which would populate it with the new stones.


Well-Known Member
What i see for the slime trampoline is a either a series of blocks in a circle up the spawn center column that goes in a 3 by 3 circle or a coded in slime block that bounces like 40 blocks straights up and this is only in effect in the spawn tower area.


Staff member
Lazuli73 said:
To save everyone's and forum topics i am putting these suggestions/concerns in one topic.

#1: Will we be getting our named animals back or will we just get redeemed for the name tags.

#2: Can we add a 1.8 Minecrfat slime block trampoline in the new spawn tower as although the new spiral staircase is nice to look at, its the pits to climb, especially when you are drunk. I kept falling through the holes and the uneavn texture make for a inefficient climb.

#3: Out of curiosity will we have another world change due to the new block types being added in 1.8 (granite, doirite, and another starting with A). I highly doubt it considering what has portrayed the last 2 world changes but im just saying, they spawn in veins underground and it would be a hassle exploring out to find these new blocks.

#1. I cannot recover your named animals, at best I can provide you with some name tags.

#2. The spawn tower will be handled differently in the future than just needing a quick way up and down.

#3. No new world changes again. Unlike the last map, I have not pregenerated the entire landmass out to the borders, so if we're lucky and Zor's right, we'll have new chunks without obvious version borders. Otherwise, I can always extend the map borders a little bit and do that. Or one day we may have some sort of smaller, resource world (or other thing) that gets regenerated and serves multiple purposes, etc.


Well-Known Member
Look at the WIKI!

#3. The new blocks ALL can be crafted.
Diorite can be crafted with 2 Cobblestone and 2 Nether Quartz in a checker board pattern
Andesite can be crafted with 1 Cobblestone and 1 Diorite
Granite can be crafted with 1 Nether Quartz and 1 Diorite.

So far this update doesnt bring anything new to the terrain, that is unobtainable.


Well-Known Member
Yes they can be crafted but is it worth using up your quartz to get a lot of these new blocks because you have the monster of a build in mind. In my little world I say no as Quartz is way to much of a hassle to go trolling around in the nether for just to have granite counter tops.


Active Member
Lazuli makes the point that I had in mind. Some of us build on a massive scale and it would take a lot of quartz. While this is a fine alternative (as quartz is still abundant for now) it would be a lot more feasible to mine them.

I only expressed any concern because we'll have to travel many leagues to find new chunks (unless our fearless leader can seed the new ores in somehow). Or regenerate all land outside of towns, if that's what you were saying, Crypt.


Well-Known Member
Also in 1.8 Minecraft mossy stone bricks will loose all there value as they are craft-able now using vines and stone bricks. And don't tell me vines are hard to get, you can easily farm with a jungle tree, check out the Minecraft Weekly News on YouTube but the official Minecraft channel mcspotlights, they upload new tutorial vids all the tome and weekly news vids on Fridays.


There has to be some struggle in MC. Rescources gain value because of their rarity or difficultly to obtain. We can't make everything too easy..I think expanding the world for 1.8 Is fine and nether quartz...well if we are worried about running out we should consider a nether rail...much like what Loka had.

Personally, I would love for us to gather for a community project and make a nether rail/horse path for towns interested.


Well-Known Member
A rail wouldn't help anyone gather enough quartz for these blocks. If you want quartz just go make a private strip mine and you'll get double chests of the stuff. The nether is the only infinite world we have after all.

As for making resources difficult to obtain. Sure, but these are stone building blocks. Making them difficult to obtain is rather pointless.