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Mojang soon to take a stance on Pay-to-Win servers


Staff member
We have donations with perks, but I personally think our rewards are certainly aesthetic and not gameplay changing.

This has been all over reddit lately, but even Notch is saying shit now:


Interesting stuff, especially when servers like Loka can't easily compete with servers that do use P2W. It'll be interesting to see where the community goes. Maybe we'll get more members!


I'm up for new players, but the ones that come from P2W servers might just complain and leave.


New Member
How is Mojang even going to enforce this? There are thousands of servers and I doubt they're going to spy on every single one that uses P2W


Staff member
Pay to win servers are rarely hard to find, they advertise themselves pretty heavily. Not sure how they'll do it exactly, but it's a step in the right direction, imo.
Reading up on the EULA argument on Reddit has been pretty fun, and my jimmies have been rustled by little shits like this http://i.imgur.com/B7r6iOW.png . I'm no server owner but I've had experiences with servers that allow you to p2w and I'd personally love to see Mojang wipe the floor with their asses (They seem to be too nice to do that though sadface.jpg). I don't agree with the argument that people will only "donate" to get perks, so I added some money to my card and finally donated. Gotta say Crypt I'm not donating for a lil cat to follow me around spawn, I'm donating to help you pay for/run my favorite server, and I don't mind if I'm paying for your next cup o coffee (You better enjoy it though).


Well-Known Member
For players like us who don't care so much for minigames but more for survival and building, ie real Minecraft players, this is awesome.


Staff member
I'm not donating for a lil cat to follow me around spawn, I'm donating to help you pay for/run my favorite server,.

That's why we opened up Loka for donations. I wish we didn't have to provide perks for donators but some people do like something for their money. And, to be honest, I don't think there's anything wrong with (the kinds of perks we have, anyway) getting something in return that's both fun to have but also that publicly shows you have supported the server. And if some people see somebody else's pet and decides to donate because of that, then hooray for all.


Active Member
Hopefully the big servers follow Mojang's lead instead of sticking to their old ways and clashing with them. Like Crypt said, maybe if they do then we'll be on equal footing with those servers and get more people. Hooray!


New Member
If we do get people from these P2W servers, it might not be good. They have to be pretty stupid or a little kid to pay $19.99 for a diamond pickaxe Fortune 9001, so we'll be getting a bunch of noobs and kids.
Fluffy is right, minecraft is now inflated with a bunch of kids who only know how to p2w. Perhaps they will learn and enjoy how to play real minecraft over time?


Staff member
It's a fair concern. Fortunately, I think the kids that are all into p2w are also into certain kinds of mainstream servers, so they don't branch out much. They'll move between Hypixel, Shotbow, etc, but they may not branch out to find niche servers like ours. Time will tell!


Active Member
Still ... players will always roam around the first good multiplayer experience they've had in minecraft. Yesterday a kid joined and the first thing he asked after completing the course was to become a Guardian. Then we explained respectfully and he wanted to be at least a Nomad right away. We talked for 30 seconds, he dumped an advertisement for his own server/youtube channel I don't want to know and he left. Saddens me really.