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Moosebobby Appeal #6

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In-game name: Moosebobby

Ban length: Perm

Why were you banned?:
1st Ban
IGN: Moosebobby
Banned By: Grubul
Reason: “Talking about Hitler and the holocaust being fake, building swastikas, fly hacking, Trolling, Talking about nazis, and caught X-raying”

2nd Ban
IGN: Adzb13
Banned By: Cryptite
Reason: Alting

Why should we unban you?: I was told to try and appeal again at the end of the conquest cycle of the month by multiple people so here we are again. If there is any issues or problems caused by me making another appeal again so soon, I do apologize for that. Anyhow, I believe in the 2 something years since I've been banned I have changed a lot as a person. In my last ban appeal the admins responded with how they have yet to see any proof I've changed, but I feel like that was unfair since people only "sent them" stuff that could've been from a while ago or not recently. Even if it was recently, I can assure you here and now that I will not be doing that on Loka. I believe I have told Cryptite multiple times that all I wish to do is chill and vibe with the boys, I won't cause any issues for you and if I do than I will not complain at being rebanned. I have nothing else to say to the staff team that I have not already said to them. I do apologize for my actions in 2017/18 and they will not be repeated again. I know some people I don't even know have a irrational hatred of me but to them all I can ask is for another chance. Thank you.

Thank you,


Old One
Staff member
Old One
Just to clarify both myself and Cryptite encouraged Moosebobby to appeal again, as new evidence surfaced after we made our previous decision. This evidence showed some of the positive things he has done in recent months and how his behaviour has changed.


+1 I didn't know moose when he did all this bad stuff to get himself banned but as long as I have known him he has been a nice person. I have played with him on several servers and on each server he was committed to the community. I would like to see what impact he will have on loka if he gets unbanned. Which he really wants to get unbanned.


If you've changed then why did you upload a video 3 days ago publicly bullying another player? :thonk:
I don't know what you mean by publicly bullying. He betrayed us and scummed us on another server, to which we went and got our stuff back from him prompting the post he made, in which he says he is fine with us making a meme reading of it, which I did. Due to your concerns over this video though, I have made it private.


Staff member
Due to your concerns over this video though, I have made it private.

Well that's a lie. You made it private before I brought it up so clearly you already knew it would look bad for your appeal. To say it isn't bullying because he apparently gave you the green light to meme on him in his post is pretty obvious and intentional mischaracterization. Trying to cover up such recent evidence of your poor behavior is enough proof for me that you really haven't changed for the better.

For others reading this thread here's a screenshot of me sharing with staff the fact that Moosebobby unlisted the video before my response on this thread at 6:30pm.


Well that's a lie. You made it private before I brought it up so clearly you already knew it would look bad for your appeal. To say it isn't bullying because he apparently gave you the green light to meme on him in his post is pretty obvious and intentional mischaracterization. Trying to cover up such recent evidence of your poor behavior is enough proof for me that you really haven't changed for the better.

For others reading this thread here's a screenshot of me sharing with staff the fact that Moosebobby unlisted the video before my response on this thread at 6:30pm.
You do realize this isn't the only place I get my information from? I was alerted by other players who told me of Staff concern about this video before you commented anything about it. And no, I literally didn't do it "because it would look bad for your appeal", I did it because if you are concerned over one video of some loli voiceover reading a rage post of some kid than I'll gladly private it to stop this drama over it.

I'm not trying to screw with anyone here, I literally would just like to be unbanned to come and chill with the boys on here. And I know my boys are currently fighting you and you don't want another fighter on their side but I don't see the need to be rude and accuse me of such harsh things. It's literally a meme video, there are plenty of those in the loka community i've seen that are far worse (on nova and kaphox) than this one of a player who even doesn't play your server actively.

You guys ("staff") have an issue with it, I removed it, what's the big deal. The Jewish guy who banned me himself, that i literally told in a call that the holocaust is fake, is telling you guys to unban me and there is proof I've changed if you scroll up. Why must you blow this out of proportion because I privated a video before you responded.


Well that's a lie. You made it private before I brought it up so clearly you already knew it would look bad for your appeal. To say it isn't bullying because he apparently gave you the green light to meme on him in his post is pretty obvious and intentional mischaracterization. Trying to cover up such recent evidence of your poor behavior is enough proof for me that you really haven't changed for the better.

For others reading this thread here's a screenshot of me sharing with staff the fact that Moosebobby unlisted the video before my response on this thread at 6:30pm.

If this server banned people for what they did on other servers, 90% of people would be banned. This warped logic isn't a unique case for Moose because believe it or not, people can compartmentalize how they act from server to server.

(Also, the person being """Bullied""" in question was previously known to bully people himself, quite viciously. I'm an advocate for the bullying of people who dish it out but shrink back like a little coward when they get it back LOL)


Well-Known Member
Why must you blow this out of proportion because I privated a video because you responded.

For others reading this thread here's a screenshot of me sharing with staff the fact that Moosebobby unlisted the video before my response on this thread at 6:30pm.

???? GIF - NickYoung QuestionMarks What GIFs
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