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Moosebobby Appeal #6

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Staff member
If this server banned people for what they did on other servers, 90% of people would be banned. This warped logic isn't a unique case for Moose because believe it or not, people can compartmentalize how they act from server to server.

This is a great point as it isn't immediately obvious why we look at a player's outside behavior when considering their appeal.

To be clear we only ban players for what they do on or in direct connection to Loka. But when looking at a banned player's appeal there is virtually nothing to go off of except for their behavior outside of Loka because they aren't on Loka due to their ban. Guessing which players can or cannot effectively "compartmentalize" their behavior is not a game we're interested in playing.

For reference here's Magpie's response explaining outside behavior's role in our appeal process on Moosebobby's last appeal:
At this point in time, we cannot overturn the ban. The TLDR is far too many people have come to us with evidence that you have not changed the way you act on other servers and in discord. This is the only evidence we can base your appeal on since you obviously are unable to play on Loka. Now I don't doubt you MAY be able to change how you act on Loka and abide by the rules, but that's not enough for us to justify unbanning you. We have to see evidence of it outside of Loka or at least a lack of recent evidence on the contrary. So despite us feeling enough time has passed since your ban, we can't unban you until your behaviour changes elsewhere.


Well-Known Member
I see nothing wrong with a rant video about another player on another server, let alone the fact that it was more of a meme video than anything. @Moosebobby if you have proof of the player saying it was okay, I suggest you post it in the thread to shut these haters up.

Second, to the people making Holocaust references, just stop. It’s immature, immoral, and soulless. When you make these jokes it’s just like flipping off the six million jews that were slaughtered.

I full support Moosebobby in this appeal. He’s clearly matured and learned his lesson. I would also like to point out how he hasn’t out lashed towards those soulless animals who have been making Holocaust jokes. It takes great strength to remain as calm in this appeal as he has.


Go forth,


Active Member

Moose is actually a really cool person. Getting to know him, he's not the troll everyone thinks he is. Moose deserves another chance to play Loka Minecraft.


Well-Known Member
While I do not really care whether he is un-banned or not nor have I even read his post. I think that he should be un-banned because of the fact that he will almost CERTAINLY be watched and kept under close eye and if in fact he hasn't matured and needs to be banned again he can simply be just that, banned. I see no repercussions or harm that can come from un-banning him because that decision can so easily be reversed. All I'm saying is that maybe moosey has ascended, and become reformed, and a new changed mine-man. Set free from his prior indulgences of atrocious behavior and inexcusable acts of memes that portrayed serious and severe trauma in this world in a light that may be deemed unforgivable to some. People change and one of the biggest threats to mooses are snails. Loka is not a snail. Let him free.


Well-Known Member
While I do not really care whether he is un-banned or not nor have I even read his post. I think that he should be un-banned because of the fact that he will almost CERTAINLY be watched and kept under close eye and if in fact he hasn't matured and needs to be banned again he can simply be just that, banned. I see no repercussions or harm that can come from un-banning him because that decision can so easily be reversed. All I'm saying is that maybe moosey has ascended, and become reformed, and a new changed mine-man. Set free from his prior indulgences of atrocious behavior and inexcusable acts of memes that portrayed serious and severe trauma in this world in a light that may be deemed unforgivable to some. People change and one of the biggest threats to mooses are snails. Loka is not a snail. Let him free.
You arent so forgiving to me tho. Hateful and spiteful. Reminding my mistakes.


Well-Known Member
Either more evidence is being collected before decision is made

or they forgot


Staff member
It's no doubt that you are one of the most divisive figures on the server, but as far as your ban goes, it has indeed been a long time since you were last on the server. Despite a lot of conflicting feedback, we think it's worth letting you prove whether you have changed or not.

We're dropping the ban, but as always, we will be keeping a very close eye out. You know what the rules are.
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