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Mopb3 Reapplying for Oveerseer

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Well-Known Member
People always say not to boast, so sorry in advance for any sounding pig-headed.
Age: 15

Current rank: Overseer

Which rank you are applying for: Overseer again

What you think is expected of this rank: Any and all duties the server requires, setting up generators, reporting any bugs, all duties of those of Sentry and Guardian rank.

Why you think you should become this rank: I've been playing the server longer than anyone who is currently active (Unless you included loloplane, but he isn't particularly active) I know every member of the server to date, I have contributed largely to the wiki and have the most post on the forums of anyone, I play in the timezone where all the players collide (Aussie evening and american morning) I have been an administrator here nearly as long I have been a player and I can claim, perhaps wrongly, that I have banned more griefers and hackers than any other admin(Mostly due to my being on longer than most others) I have started and maintained some of the strongest towns this server has ever known, and there isn't a regular player that has ever existed that can claim they hadn't at least heard of me.

When you started playing on the server: Shortly after its opening, I daresay I don't know exactly how long

Time zone in relation to GMT: I am in the GMT zone

How often do you play (hours a day/week):I play every day of the week without faulter, and every day I put at least two hours of play in.
(Once again sorry for the seeming boasts, just wanted to show as it said 'why I think I should become this rank')
asymptonic said:
In both cases, your case is helped by those that reply to support you, and both positive and negative comments are allowed.
Not flaming, but I do not think you should continue as Overseer, or even as Guardian. It's nothing personal; you're great and all, but being an abusive admin doesn't work in a well-populated server. The topic is now locked, but I'm sure you've seen the cases held against you in the post that brought about your need to reapply. Just a thing to think about, do you really need someone with a history of abuse holding the highest admin position on the server aside from Old One? It doesn't set a good example to the guys below him, and might have been the cause of the ridiculous behavior coming from our old Guardian friend, EpicBacon99, who was a member of Cathedral and even admitted to knowing that Mopb3 is abusive. Again, I'm not trying to flame, and this is all that I will say on this subject.
Your opinion is perfectly valid, but I must remind all that you and very few others bear a grudge against me, which may or may not cloud your judgement. I would also like to nip in the bud that I am an abusive admin, anything brought against me I have at the very least attempted to disprove, but now and here are not the time nor place for that argument to start up again.
Gudbrandr said:
asymptonic said:
In both cases, your case is helped by those that reply to support you, and both positive and negative comments are allowed.
Not flaming, but I do not think you should continue as Overseer, or even as Guardian. It's nothing personal; you're great and all, but being an abusive admin doesn't work in a well-populated server. The topic is now locked, but I'm sure you've seen the cases held against you in the post that brought about your need to reapply. Just a thing to think about, do you really need someone with a history of abuse holding the highest admin position on the server aside from Old One? It doesn't set a good example to the guys below him, and might have been the cause of the ridiculous behavior coming from our old Guardian friend, EpicBacon99, who was a member of Cathedral and even admitted to knowing that Mopb3 is abusive. Again, I'm not trying to flame, and this is all that I will say on this subject.

I think we ought to keep our attempts at flame warring out of this forum...

Mop is a great admin, and I support his continued position as overseer.
Of course i support my buddy of a decade. Controversial at times, but hey, effective admin and contributor to the server none the less. Also popular with (dare I say it) the majority of folk on Loka.
mopb3 said:
Newdood said:
Meh, grudges aside, I'd say keep it up mop. :3
That is wonderfully mature/far sighted of you New, thank you.
No problem. =3 (Good luck with the new computer)
EDIT: You can't know EVERYONE on the server, only town owners/more important ones. (Li'l bit of OCD there)
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