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Mtndome Threatened to kick people for RP


Earlier tonight Mtn was threatening to kick players or temp ban them for 24hrs, if he did not like the RP going on. These remarks were made towards individuals who were not breaking any rules or saying anything bad. He seems to think that because he suggested the RP channel, he has the right to have complete control over everything that is said on it. Mtn then proceed to rant at the entire server which made many people very uncomfortable.

I am actually pretty disappointed at this behavior from Mtn because I have so little RP experience and it was refreshing to actually see people using the RP channel. I found the RP interesting, and several people joined the channel when they realized it was being used. Even Magpie himself was engaged in the group RP for a short while and Mtn still raged on. In fact, I don't believe I have ever seen the channel used so much. Psy may have taken the RP a bit too far at one point, but he really seemed to be excited to be apart of the group RP and when he was asked to cool it down... he did.

Two days now, Mtn has shattered any chances of people enjoying the chance to RP. Very disappointing. :?


Well-Known Member
JocelynReed said:
These remarks were made towards individuals who were not breaking any rules or saying anything bad.
Quite on the contrary this is nullified by your implications of admins supposedly being incompetent. And calling Mopyc a retard in public chat because he, quite rightfully, kicked zor.

Post nullified.


*sigh* I can see this is going to be a repeating deal, with the entirety of Zor's bunch.

I threatened to Tempban any persons in the RP channel using Sexual Innuendos or openly sexual chat. Seeing how people want to use the RP chat for perverse reasons, that's perfectly reasonable. It goes hand in hand with rule #6. (feel free to check it)

You are only dissapointed by my behaviour because I won't tolerate sexual Roleplay. If you want that smut, feel free to put it in Skype.

The Roleplaying channel was created to allow those that were taunted for roleplaying, a place to go to enjoy their RP, NOT as a place for people to troll those that do like RP.

I have been dissapointed with those of you that have misused the channel. MinecraftJedi and myself (and I'd hazard a guess Cryptite) take Roleplaying very seriously. And yesterday, the channel was unused. Since Jedi was on, I began a Roleplay that allowed anyone to join in . Saphira attempted to join in, which I was very happy to include her in, and then Psych, Zor, Joce, Thief (if i missed anyone feel free to inculde them) Overrode my RP with doctor office smut.

This would be very closely be pushing rule # 9 as you were intentionally overriding RP, just to try and get a rise from the Roleplayers.


Active Member
Carpet bombing the forums with this stuff isn't helping anybody. Just treat people with respect and obey the rules.


Well-Known Member
There has never been any sexual role-play on the server. That's never been accepted in public chat and it wouldn't be in the RP chat. The problem is that when we don't go along with your story that we're in the wrong and need to leave or be threatened with a kick. Apparently only Mtn and Jedi can RP.



If you are going to Ruin someone else's RP, especially with a group, you are bullying them out of their RP.
If you want to RP feel free, don't screw with someone else's roleplay and don't do RP with sexual innuendos or directly sexual, as the nonsense you have been doing is.
Perfectly good RP is encouraged. And since I've posted on the forums about how to RP, proper RP etiquette, and have made myself available for questions concerning proper RP, this shouldn't be an issue.

Dr. Har-don, Needing to be "sexed", discussing "stamina" issues, etc is not something we would want to put in chat for our younger members to see. I expect better. Clearly I expect far too much.


Well-Known Member
Only you were RPing and you can't RP with yourself. Another group came in with their own story and you had a fit. I do admit that Psych went too far once and he was corrected.


You didn't give anyone time to respond. Less than 2 minutes went by, and your group decided to barge in. You had not touched the RP channel the entire time I was online. But ho ho, I use it and here come the trolls.
Seriously Zor, You aren't helping your case.


Well-Known Member
Two minutes is enough to respond, no? And that was only the first time. Every time we tried to RP after you sent us more threats. They were kick and ban threats too, despite the fact that you can simply remove someone from the channel if you're that upset over someone else telling a story.


Again, less that two minutes. Saphira attempted to RP. You overrode her RP with Doctor office smut as well. And, to my knowledge, you've attempted it what... twice? Both of which, doctor office smut. Both times, only in an attempt to troll the channel. Besides, I shouldn't have to remove you or any of those inside it from the channel. You should be able to RP without being dirty and abide by the rules. Those in the channel should be free to enjoy good, clean roleplay.

Since you couldn't I warned you that I would kick you or anyone responsible from the server. If you need educating on proper RP, I'd happily remedy your ignorance.


Jesus Christ, guys. Art is right. Carpet bombing, flaming, whatever the hell you want to call it the forums is not helping anything. If you don't like something somebody else is doing tell them and just move on, ffs. You guys are just having a dick waving contest on the forums to see who can sound smarter, recite the rules the best and use the biggest words and honestly, it's annoying as hell. Why can't, for once all of you just stop being narcissistic and get along with each other? You're not doing anything. You're not refuting points, you're not putting up arguments, although you'd like to think you are, you're just aimlessly going back and forth getting absolutely nowhere and digging your hole even deeper. If Mtn did something wrong, this post is fine, leave it at that, let Mtn tell his side of the story and then have the higher ups decide what to do about it. You don't need to flame over what YOU think should be done and what YOU think was done. Your opinions are NEVER going to peacefully coexist so why try to force them upon others by flaming in the forums? There. I"m done.


EpicBacon99 said:
Jesus Christ, guys. Art is right. Carpet bombing, flaming, whatever the hell you want to call it the forums is not helping anything. If you don't like something somebody else is doing tell them and just move on, ffs. You guys are just having a dick waving contest on the forums to see who can sound smarter, recite the rules the best and use the biggest words and honestly, it's annoying as hell. Why can't, for once all of you just stop being narcissistic and get along with each other? You're not doing anything. You're not refuting points, you're not putting up arguments, although you'd like to think you are, you're just aimlessly going back and forth getting absolutely nowhere and digging your hole even deeper. If Mtn did something wrong, this post is fine, leave it at that, let Mtn tell his side of the story and then have the higher ups decide what to do about it. You don't need to flame over what YOU think should be done and what YOU think was done. Your opinions are NEVER going to peacefully coexist so why try to force them upon others by flaming in the forums? There. I"m done.

I would normally agree with you Epic, however Mtn pretty much told us when we tried to talk to him:
1. take it to the forums
2. he threatened to kick/mute/ban for disrespecting admins if we didn't shut up
3. refused to listen to us

To be honest, we had no choice he won't listen to us any other way.

It may seem extreme...yes...but how else are we to express our concerns to an admin who will ban if you try to explain any issues you may have with them. He just simply refuses to hear anything negative about himself.


300th post in Complaints, 3333rd post in General Discussion :D

If people are doing stupid stuff in RP but people are having fun, it doesn't really matter. If people are doing it just to troll, then sure, kick or whatever. The point of this is to have fun, and if the only way to do RP is to be "always super serial in curacter" then there's really no point for it.


Well-Known Member
KenuDragonfire said:
300th post in Complaints, 3333rd post in General Discussion :D

If people are doing stupid stuff in RP but people are having fun, it doesn't really matter. If people are doing it just to troll, then sure, kick or whatever. The point of this is to have fun, and if the only way to do RP is to be "always super serial in curacter" then there's really no point for it.
As far as I'm concerned, its more for server role play than mule stuff, which I'm sure you had in mind.


Nope. I will happily break down RP, seeing how you were previously an admin, I shouldn't have to break down the rules for you. Seeing you attempt at RP however... I can see that needs some breaking down.

Joce, now you are just reaching. I wasn't going to get into a pissing contest with you server side. If you had a problem with me, you bring it here. I only threatened to kick those who were being disrespectful. If you fit under that category... too bad.
No, I will not listen to someone who cannot fully formulate their own opinion, much less argue repetitively server side over subjects that you and the others should be well educated upon.

So in a nutshell, Put it on the forums. Quit complaining you aren't getting your way. Leave it off of server side.

Epic, Yes I agree that it's getting us no where, clearly. But since we had to stoop to such a level to have any sort of conversation, it seems that's all we can do.