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My minecraft is broken


Well-Known Member
I get horrible chat lag and server side, up to a minute or 10 is sometimes how long it takes for me to see my own messages. It takes forever to interact with the environment, obviously its the same time as the chat lag. However others can see my messages instantly. This, you might say, would suggest download issues but not upload. However other games have no such issues and I always have a good connection on fps games, for example. I have tried all the deleting of jars, optifine, internet reboots, everything but have no answers. The almighty google god yields no answers to my problem either. Any ideas from you tech-heads out there? Minecraft is unplayable as of now... :(


Well-Known Member
Doesn't work from another pc either. Not on my network, mop has tested it from his house and its fine.
Firewall settings changed with no results, any other ideas people?