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Fixed My ores despawned


Active Member
Since I cant /report I'm doing this I'm pretty sure due to rollback I lost my ores so what happened is I came back from mining placed my shulker in my chest then started smelting then afked and when I came back I was in the hub and was told that there was lag and it restarted or something I didn't think much of it i just afk smelted then logged off, but now I log on today and cant find the shulker I feathered all of my shulker plus every block I could've placed the shulker on in my room. Please can I get this refunded I had like 3 stacks and either 21 or 27 more diamond ore after that i also think I had 8 and half stacks of lapis or around there and if you cant refund it can I at least get my ri reset. And no my town member didnt steal it because they all showed me there echest plus i checked all there rooms so unless there hiding it somewhere super hidden i think it despawned.

My IGN: Sethdawg
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