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Nationalistic Ban Appeal

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Dear Lokans and the Admin team,

As you may be aware of I've been permanently banned from Loka about 3 months ago for my racist and homophobic attitude. First of all I’d start off by saying that I do realise that what I did was disgusting, it was surely not an appropriate behaviour for the Lokan community, which by the way, I really enjoyed because there was little to no toxicity. Over time I changed, I stopped using *certain* terms and being a “troll” in general because that’s not my true self.

I’d love to be unbanned from Loka because I loved the unique PvP/Server experience and for its kind and polite community.

If I do get unbanned I promise I won’t be toxic anymore regardless if it’s a Discord server or Loka, I’ll also play by the rules and be polite to everyone.

I would appreciate it if you gave me a second chance as I regret what I have done.



I've talked with Flea after his ban a few times and what always seems to come up is that he misses Loka. Could he have been better in the first place? Yeah. Were some of the things he said unacceptable? Also yeah. Yet if he has actually cared enough after 3 months of being banned to make a sincere apology. I think he might deserve another chance on the server.


Well-Known Member
Everything Flea has said in this ban appeal definitely feels genuine. I also absolutely believe that he could return to Loka, after having received the punishment, and behave much more appropriately and sensibly. To clarify, though, much of what Flea has said in the past has been unacceptable - and yes, the punishment may have been needed. Although, as I said, I'm personally willing to give him a second chance. After all, I returned to Loka after my temp-ban, and have been extremely grateful that it's not been held against me.

Good luck, Flea!


I've talked to flea since hes been banned a few times, and it seems like hes changed quite a bit and left his toxic side behind. In my opinion he deserves a second chance because it seems like he regrets what he did. and he is very team yes.


I don't play anymore but you already know flea is a true memer, give the kid a chance to play e-legos again with his friends, he isn't a bad person, just makes some dumb choices now and then.


Active Member
If you've truly changed, I have no trouble with letting back on the server, but of course, the decision is not in my hands, but the admins hands. Although you did say some rotten stuff, I am all for giving you a second chance. Just try to watch your mouth, and I don't think we'll have a problem.


Active Member
Although over the course of these three months you may have changed it is important to not forget why you were banned. What you said was extremely irresponsible and disgusting. While I am for giving second chances they need to be earned over the course of time. I believe that 3 months isn’t enough for what you said/how you acted on Loka. Instead of unbanning you I would say you should have your ban reduced (down from perm) to ensure you are suitably punished for what you said/did while allowing for second chances.


I think Flea could and did change. This was perhaps a lesson to him and I think he's learned it well. On other pvp servers and survival servers I play on that he's on, I rarely see him being toxic or mean at all. Loka definitely meant something to him, he deserves to be unbanned at this point.


Well-Known Member
+1, he enjoys the server and has learnt his lesson. I definitely know how much he wants to play again because Flea doesn't usually make structured forum posts


Active Member
+1 cuz this kid actually changed :) , he’s sincere about playing loka and then there’s Blue who’s Been banned for like 3 years now? Who still can’t get pardoned?


Active Member
RoastedBlu was banned about 9 months ago now, and from what I've seen from him on other servers, (one of which I recently stopped playing due to him) he hasn't changed.
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