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NB23_ Second Unban Appeal


New Member
IGN: NB23_

Date of ban: 02/07/2023

Reason for ban: Glitching

Date of first Appeal: 01/11/2023

I am writing to apologise for my actions, not only to the members of Lemonade City, but also to the Loka staff whose time I wasted. I was banned over 10 months ago (02/07/2023) for glitching into Lemonade city and I made my first appeal in November. I made a big mistake allowing myself to get caught up in the excitement of town raiding and allowing myself to go as far as glitching to get inside. I can see my short-sightedness at the time, especially regarding the interaction with staff after the glitching. Although I may not have been directly communicated with by staff at the time, I shouldn’t have used this as an excuse to stay idle and leave it to others to sort it out. I could have been much more proactive in fixing the situation in the period leading up to my ban and I will make sure I don’t repeat this mistake if I somehow find myself in any situations that resemble this. Since the incident, I have been firmer in other similar situations on other servers and made sure to stay out of it and even report my own teammates because I can see that one person’s fun can make lots of other people unhappy.

I feel like after 10 months I have had time to properly reflect on the harm that my actions caused. I now have a better understanding of the perspective of the town residents that I stole from and can see how devastating it could be to have all your valuables taken unfairly. I can also see how stressful it can be for the staff who are trying to help the distressed town members that have lost stuff, especially when some of my town members who participated in the glitching are lying to their faces. I hope that both the members of Lemonade city and the staff team can forgive me, I’m truly sorry. I understand that my first appeal was rejected for being too early but now, almost a year after I was banned, I would like to ask for a second chance and a reduction of my ban. Loka is one of the best servers I have played and I really miss the fun that I used to have.
Thank you for reading my appeal.


+1 known NB for quite a while and i can confidently say that he has regret his actions and hopes to rejoin the loka community