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No Plans to Implement nerf peal bomb plz


Well-Known Member
by the time you'd see it it'd probably be too late and mix that with lag too, and just because he is banned it doesn't make the suggestion irrelevent
Judging by the clips / stream I watched, that's completely untrue, it takes quite some time to actually blow up so you would have plenty of time>

Maybe you should watch some clips yourself... I'd hate to bring up landmines being awfully similar but much harder to see :sentry:


Well-Known Member
Community Rep
Judging by the clips / stream I watched, that's completely untrue, it takes quite some time to actually blow up so you would have plenty of time>

Maybe you should watch some clips yourself... I'd hate to bring up landmines being awfully similar but much harder to see :sentry:
Landmines do a lot of damage and are very hard to see so maybe those should be nerfed sooner or later. But I don't think the time for the endermites is enough so :sentry: