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Implemented nerf pearl bomb

Post like this has been made so imma -1, but you guys (as in Staff) accidentally buffed this. Before the endermites were red and easier to see because the entire endermite was red. Now it's just WHITE on the border and I think harder to see.
Can we also get like an actual radius of these things bc I was 10 blocks away at least and was blown to oblivion
The endermites also don't always glow. I've seen them quite a few times with no glowing.
After further research this module SUCKS.

Issues/suggestions that could help

1. Endermites Spawn without glowing and still blow up
2. When you kill them they blow up still
3. They're instant kill
4. Make it so shields can block the explosion damage
5. Add a radius when an endermite spawns with particles
6. Limit the amount that can spawn at the same time or in total.
If you have any more post below
After further research this module SUCKS.

Issues/suggestions that could help

1. Endermites Spawn without glowing and still blow up
2. When you kill them they blow up still
3. They're instant kill
4. Make it so shields can block the explosion damage
5. Add a radius when an endermite spawns with particles
6. Limit the amount that can spawn at the same time or in total.
If you have any more post below
Just make it easier to see, you can’t spawn them before the defenders warp, and nerf the damage by a heart or two.
having multiple endermites at once just doesnt make sense + make it so they cant spawn directly on the tgen/inhib
We have plans per the latest LCR discussion to make Living Bombs + Mite bombs have damage falloff. That way if you're max distance from the mite but still get hit you won't take 100% damage.

We patched the bug where pearl bombs would ignore warp protection a couple days ago.
We have plans per the latest LCR discussion to make Living Bombs + Mite bombs have damage falloff. That way if you're max distance from the mite but still get hit you won't take 100% damage.

We patched the bug where pearl bombs would ignore warp protection a couple days ago.
What if the bombs were a complete free for all and just did damage to everything? Would seem more balanced and fun.

I would say pearl bomb is quite overpowered in large group fights attackers have a huge advantage, you can just spam pearls on tgen/inhib and have it cleared entirely.

Personally i haven't died to a pearl bomb yet but it doesn't look very fair, i've just been launched like 30 blocks into the air and survived with 3 hearts.
What if the bombs were a complete free for all and just did damage to everything? Would seem more balanced and fun.

I would say pearl bomb is quite overpowered in large group fights attackers have a huge advantage, you can just spam pearls on tgen/inhib and have it cleared entirely.

Personally i haven't died to a pearl bomb yet but it doesn't look very fair, i've just been launched like 30 blocks into the air and survived with 3 hearts.
yes make the module meant to help the attackers not help them
having an endermite that vaporises everything near it is also a stupid idea??
Not at all, it never killed you instantly therefore it didn't vaporize you instantly, and now damage fall off is either implemented or being worked on making this even more so into an affect, when we were discussing some ideas for this module the other day in our meeting I brought up something and the conversation of at what point does a attacker module become useless etc giving the advantage too much to the defender, this is one of those times, your suggestion just makes the attacker module as much of a nuisance as a buff, quite frankly i'd argue more a nuisance, and the defenders still have 4 modules, making this attacking module if implementing the change you suggest useless and no one would pick it.